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All Content by Surfsup95

  1. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Hey everyone! I thought this would be a great place to talk about Applications, TEAS Questions/Scores, Titers, and just getting to know each other!! Which semester are you applying for? Questions? It'll be fun! :) Introduce yourself!!! I am applying ...
  2. ASU summer TCNP 2016

    Hi again Lakili, As I was logging off, something occurred to me. I believe that I heard somewhere that the TEAS exam score may only be valid for a year after you take it, so keep that in mind. I'm not sure if that would even affect you, but I just w...
  3. ASU summer TCNP 2016

    Hi Lakili, I'm sorry you didn't get in! Have you considered the fall program that's starting soon or was summer your only desired option? You might want to consider posting this question on another thread that I created quite awhile back called "ASU...
  4. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Thanks for letting me know! I was starting to think I missed something! I can't even find the drug screen form on my CB portal, so i'll have to ask someone tomorrow at the meeting. I don't even know when the insurance info, health clearance, or drug ...
  5. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Are the both of you getting your drug screening done now because of the summer session starting in a few weeks, or because of some deadline that I don't know about (for all programs)? I didn't hear anything about a deadline for my cohort, as I don't ...
  6. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Hi Chembear, I know this isn't much help, but I'm not sure where we are supposed to go for drug screenings. I have a feeling we'll find out this information tomorrow during the Junior 1 information session. If they don't mention it during the sessio...
  7. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    I have a lot riding on this exam because if I do well on it, I'll end up with an A in the class, and I really want an A in pathophysiology. :) If it's like the last exam regarding difficulty, then I think I'll do fine. Having access to our textbook a...
  8. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    I've been studying non-stop since early this morning for my Patho exam tomorrow, and I'm definitely distracted by Thursday's Junior 1 meeting!! At least I'm not the only one!
  9. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Oh, wow. Had I known that many items were in the skills bag I wouldn't of asked you. Thank you for typing and explaining all of them, though! :) I am currently looking at the Litmann Classic III stethoscope as well. I noticed the price was best on th...
  10. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Thanks again, aliashanika! You always join the conversation at the perfect time with so much information. :) I do have one question for you: What exactly is in the skills bag? Im very glad you mentioned that we can use danskos, because I really lik...
  11. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Awesome, slsimps4! I'll check it out. Okay, so I have a recommendation regarding the black shoes. I have frequently heard that a lot of nurses and docs like to wear danskos. I went to dillards the other day and tried them on (to see what all the hype...
  12. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Thanks for all the information, m3owz3rs! I can't wait. :)
  13. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Hey everyone, Did anyone get the impression from the email that we will be purchasing all of our needed supplies (scrubs, stethoscope, bandage scissors, blood pressure cuffs, .... , etc.) at the junior 1 meeting? Pretty much everything except the boo...
  14. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Hey m3owz3rs, That's great that we are able to do our clinicals in the major hospitals. I also heard on another thread from another year that we may actually be placed in clinical sites that are closest to where we live, so a Chandler resident might ...
  15. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Does anyone know what hospitals we might be doing our clinicals at (for the downtown cohorts)? I'm curious.
  16. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    @slsimps4- could you try and send me your name? I'm having serious issues posting the link.
  17. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    @m3owz3rs- I still got your message! I'll add you. :)
  18. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Hey jennywise88, I'm sorry you didn't get your first choice, I know that must be a major bummer. On the bright side, you still made it into the program!! =)
  19. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    See... TallMexican found something to complain about anyways, just like he promised! I live in Gilbert, so pretty much everything is far from me, haha. @Slsimps4 and m3owz3rs- If you want to join our Fall 2016 cohort facebook page, its below. Okay, ...
  20. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    @TallMexican, got it, thanks! @NursingDevil- Aw, well you'll make 20-30 very close friends for two years, whether you meet them now or later. =)
  21. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    NursingDevil, are you also at Downtown Phoenix for Fall or at Mayo? It sounds like you're at Mayo but I wasn't quite sure. :)
  22. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    I believe you have to have a certain number of posts on here before you are allowed "PM privileges". I found multiple people on facebook sharing your name. What is your profile image of? That should help me find you. :)
  23. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    I heard the same thing, k_karenh. I've also heard that a large number of students who are listed as alternates actually do get accepted. People lose their spot (drug test, citizenship, background check, choose another nursing program, etc.). Don't lo...
  24. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    Awesome, shotcaller! Should we have different summer and fall pages or put them together? Lol, good luck with your BIO202 exam!
  25. ASU- Summer/Fall 2016

    This is great!! I couldn't be more excited right now. It looks like we were all accepted so far! Woohoo! Other cohorts have made facebook pages. Would you all be interested if I made one? K_karenh, have you heard anything yet?