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About FloridaRN123

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  1. What's his blood sugar?

    Are you serious right now? It was a typo. Give me a break and find something better to do with your
  2. butalbital and urinalysis

    Thanks everyone for the replies! I am probably just being paranoid, but I DO NOT want to risk
  3. butalbital and urinalysis

    I was thinking about this, but wasn't sure how accurate they are. Also going to try the first suggestion of getting an Rx.
  4. butalbital and urinalysis

    Hey everyone, I have a drug screen for a new job coming up. I don't usually get headaches, but I had a BAD one recently. My mother gave me one of her migraine pills (Fiorcet), which contained...
  5. New Grad Program/RN Residency for ICU

    It's possible. A friend of mine got hired in to a big name North Carolina ICU before we even graduated. She was one of the top 3 of our class and worked hard for
  6. Have my license, but a job?

  7. Have my license, but a job?

    In that case it is a duplicate thread. I posted in the other board for a wider
  8. Have my license, but a job?

    I have done extensive research through old threads, however, I'd still like to post for feedback. For Florida specifically: I am a newly licensed RN (BSN). The only ding I have is from 2004, when I...
  9. What's his blood sugar?

    Question as a new grad RN. When I was in NS, I experienced this...Say the RN or a tech are checking blood sugars and there is a friend or family member in the room and that person asks "so what's...
  10. I have done extensive research through old threads, however, I'd still like to post for feedback. For Florida specifically: I am a newly licensed RN (BSN). The only ding I have is from 2004, when I...