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All Content by priyaremi

  1. Just Lost! Advice please!

    I have posted on various occasions on this forum and have had some fantastic advice but would be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction AGAIN 😊!. I am a new graduate RN and recently started dialysis at a clinic and HATED i...
  2. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thanks nurserebs!. You've been such an amazing support to me!!. Here's to a new start in my life xx
  3. I need some encouragement?

    I am about to start my first nursing job on med/surg too. I can really identify with how you feel but look on the bright side. I am in Ireland and I will be getting one week supernumerary and that's it!!. They know I am a new grad nurse but I will ha...
  4. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Just a quick UPDATE - As all you lovely people who replied to my thread and gave me some fantastic insight and advice. So I had my interview for med/surg in the community hospital yesterday for our national health service here. They called this morn...
  5. nurses with Bipolar Disorder

    It was a regular doctor and she seemed reluctant to refer me elsewhere. I think the first line of treatment here is SSRI's and CBT. Looking back, I remember once becoming so depressed and anxious in pregnancy that I self harmed. I have a long history...
  6. nurses with Bipolar Disorder

    Viva, I have been reading your posts and you really are such an inspiration. Thank you. I went to the Doctor today finally and she said that I have severe anxiety/social phobia with depression and binge eating disorder!. She has prescribed Prozac 20m...
  7. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Wow, I know this is the internet but all of you guys on here have filled my heart with so much love and hope!!. I am going to see the Doctor this week as I am aware that I am in deep depression and it's affecting everyone around me. My Husband is a d...
  8. Just Lost! Advice please!

    The funny thing is that he has done the opposite with my family. They were never supportive of me growing up and I left home young. I was really alone and was very wild and lived in America until I got pregnant over there with my eldest Daughter afte...
  9. Just Lost! Advice please!

    I definitely will keep you updated because everyone that has come on here to reply and advise me took time to do so. I am so thankful for it. My interview for the Hospital is on 22nd March and I will update after that. Thank you everyone. I really re...
  10. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thanks so much for replying to my issue. Ireland has a shortage of nurses because a few years ago there was a hiring embargo by our health board and many emigrated. After this they then started a ridiculous graduate scheme whereby newly qualified nur...
  11. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Please tell me how you did it?. Did you bring your daughters or plan for long time in advance?. I need to get a job and form some savings as I have none whatsoever and start to save. You are so courageous and I am in awe of you. It must have been so...
  12. Just Lost! Advice please!

    I won't horseshoe. I log out and then delete the email notifications. Thanks. Thank you for your advice. You have made me understand that having a career and realising that my dream job in nursing does not excuse me for living my life with my eyes 'w...
  13. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thanks Horseshoe, My husband does do things like breakfast in bed with the kids on Mothers day or going out to dinner. However, this is because throughout the marriage, I used to tell him that this is what men do in Europe. I always feel he does it m...
  14. Just Lost! Advice please!

    It is probably part of it as he is not the type to compliment. He gave out to me yesterday also for cooking mashed potatoes two days in a row. I know it sounds silly, but I have to grow a pair. I do realise that. He has knocked my confidence for year...
  15. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thanks Horseshoe, I understand that this is not a good things for the children to witness. I cannot tell you the amount of time I packed to leave!. I was told by a counselling service over the phone, that I could go to a refuge but would have to get ...
  16. Just Lost! Advice please!

    You are so good nurserebs and thanks a million for your advice. It was a hse hospital that I declined in the first place And that is the hospital which this agency is paying big bucks for!. It's got such a horrific reputation as I'm sure you know ww...
  17. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thank you Macawake for your reply. The man is the 'head of the house' in Nigeria which is why my hubby can be domineering. He never slaps /hits me now but turns up the volume on the tv or radio if he doesn't want to hear me!. I have no family to talk...
  18. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thanks jadeLPNI have declined the agency because if not for any other reason, I do not want to compromise another human beings safety or indeed that license that I made so many sacrifices for not least of which was my being more or less absent in my ...
  19. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Horseshoe, kooky korky and Libby, thank you for your replies and advice. I am not sure if a lot of my issues with hubby are cultural but some definitely are. I am Irish and he is Nigerian. In the 16 years we have been together, he has ignored me in f...
  20. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thanks and you are 100% right!. I did tell prince charming that I could lose my license but he told me not to be so dramatic. He maintains that if I do night shift in the hospital that it will be much easier!. He said that it would probably be much l...
  21. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Libby, I didn't mean that it was a waste of my time and money. I just meant that it would be a waste of resources for the company if they trained me and I quit after six months. However, I should have lined something up first!
  22. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thanks for all your replies. It's true that he is probably feeling let down by me!. I suffer from bad depression and he pushed me to finish my nursing degree. Every single minute away from my kids was agonizing but I got through it with many tantrums...
  23. Just Lost! Advice please!

    Thanks for all your replies. It's true that he is probably feeling let down by me!. I suffer from bad depression and he pushed me to finish my nursing degree. Every single minute away from my kids was agonizing but I got through it with many tantrums...
  24. Just Lost! Advice please!

    I definitely will stick the next job I get! Many new graduates start with agencies here but it doesn't make it any safer! It's because the money is much better. As far as my husband, he worked night job security for three years and cared for the four...
  25. Just Lost! Advice please!

    I definitely will stick the next job I get! Many new graduates start with agencies here but it doesn't make it any safer! It's because the money is much better. As far as my husband, he worked night job security for three years and cared for the four...