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All Content by MB,RN

  1. Stuttering Nurse

    Ooooooops. So sorry! But thanks for replying to the OP. I didn't pay enough attention! Sorry to both of you two!
  2. Stuttering Nurse

    ?? You said you stutter? Just trying to help. Good luck.
  3. Stuttering Nurse

    I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. I unfortunately have little advice to give you but you seem to have the patients best interest first! Are you a new nurse? I was always self conscience when I was new and I would constantly second guess everyt...
  4. Demotion from DON, self report to BON

    Nope. I actually had wounds and falls and care plans and med errors and Inservices and most everything all in order. No major complaints. I wasn't new to LTC or management. State would zero in on things to try to find a pattern but we weren't all tha...
  5. Has anyone been a DON that was demoted or let go after a bad state survey? Did you self report to the BON when you renewed your license?
  6. Demotion from DON, self report to BON

    I am sorry to hear that. It can be brutal and they can cut you for just about nothing. It's very political, the places I've worked. They don't think about what it does to us as a nurse and for our families. I finally went before the board and told t...
  7. Demotion from DON, self report to BON

  8. Demotion from DON, self report to BON

    I know, me too. I asked if all "positive responses" automatically went before the board. They said no, that out of 109000 nurses, approx 10% answer yes to a question and 10% get selected to go before the board. Lucky me!
  9. Demotion from DON, self report to BON

    Yea, I gave a positive response when I renewed figuring honesty is the best policy! I was promoted from the ADON to the DON position and after our annual survey (before the 2567 came through, even) I was called into the office with the DVP and told I...
  10. Demotion from DON, self report to BON

    Technically, I resigned after getting the choice of being demoted to floor nurse.
  11. Demotion from DON, self report to BON

    This happened last year. I will be going before the board in December. Yikes!
  12. Demotion from DON, self report to BON

    In indiana, when I renew my license, they ask if I have even been demoted, reprimanded,etc.