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About happy_life

happy_life has 8 years experience.

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  1. Pregnant and working...how do you do it?!?!?

    I only got 12 weeks of FMLA so I needed that for maternity leave. Medical leave wasn't an option. The best advice I've got is to work every other day. It's the only way I got through it. I had pain...
  2. Any fellow diabetic nurses here?

    Hello, I'm diabetic and I was just wondering what do other diabetic nurses and cna's do with your stuff while at work? I carry my meter, insulin pen and snacks in my pockets so I can use them right...
  3. Hobbies off duty as a Nurse?

    I'm a proud foodie so I love finding good places to eat Reading (favorite authors Stephen King, Michael Crichton and Lisa Kleypas) Watching Tv (American Horror Story, Cutthroat Kitchen, and Naked and...
  4. Your charge nurse was wrong to expect you to take another patients meds so you were correct about that. At least that's the correct way of doing things. In real life, many times there are shortcuts...
  5. Fun hobbies or interests?

    I had no idea anything like this existed!!! Thank you! Thanks for the ideas
  6. So I have come to the conclusion that I need something fun to do on my off time. Right now, I spend time with my hubby, hang out with my dogs, do homework while I'm working on my master's, cook and...
  7. Would love some input in rolling out bedside report

    I hate bedside report for all the aforementioned reasons. However, to answer your question: I have never worked mother baby, but have done bs report on a Med/surg psych floor and ICU. When I worked...
  8. Has nursing made you negative?

    Sorry! It's just been bugging me. I even went through all the posts to make sure no one else pointed it out cuz I didn't want to harp on you about
  9. Has nursing made you negative?

    I'm sorry but this has been bugging me. You did a 180, not a 360. If you did a 360, you would come full circle. You do a 180 when you completely change from one position to another. Anyway, the...
  10. Is She Artistic or Autistic?

    This is a very sweet tribute to your daughter :) Please forgive my ignorance because I don't know much about autism but do people really confuse "autistic" with "artistic"??!? That would drive me nuts...
  11. Exactly!! We use nursing diagnoses every day! We just don't think about it. For example: At work my patient is a fall risk so I put nonskid socks on, bed alarm and pray they don't fall. Nursing...
  12. What is your Nursing Kryptonite?

    EVERYTHING on this list except sputum/trachs. Sputum, puke, poop, whatever bodily fluid-none of that stuff bothers me. It's more the family and friends who drive me nuts. Also the patients who are...
  13. Maybe it's cuz I'm so tired after my shift but this post is so dang cute!! Love
  14. Something Positive: Your 5-Year Plan

    This thread would be fun to revisit in 5 years and see where we are! Just got accepted to an NP program for Fall 2016 so hopefully in 5 years I'll be working as an NP. My ultimate goal is a lower...
  15. GED anyone else?

    Way to go! It can't be easy especially with 2 kids. I dropped out of high school at 17, got my GED when I was 19, started nursing school at 23 and graduated at 25. Just finally finished my BSN and...