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About smartassmommy

smartassmommy has 1 years experience.

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  1. CEUS for WV

    I know that substance abuse and veterans issues are
  2. Punitive culture

    Tactic may be the word you are
  3. Why Do We Continue to Harm Patients?

    Ratios! Overloaded nurses are more likely to make
  4. A little advice please

    Especially since we are due for a visit soon. The last couple of surveys this facility has had were dismal. That's why it was sold shortly before I started working there. I have not changed the times...
  5. A little advice please

    I'm a new nurse in ltc. Yesterday my DON told me to document meds so that it looks like all were passed within the time limit. I'm not comfortable with this. Is this a normal practice in
  6. If you were hiring LPN, I'd move yesterday. I would love to live in a
  7. New nurses without clear career goals

    I went through school knowing I had a job on the med/surg unit I was an aide on. The available schedule didn't fit my needs, so I decided to take any position that fit my current scheduling need. I...
  8. Orientation for LTC Nurses

    I got a month. But I did agree one day towards the end to work a shift on my own. My DON checked on me regularly and was available for any questions or
  9. I'm freaking out!

    Also check your state BON site. If you passed they may have your license posted before 48
  10. Psst....Let's Talk About Gossip in the Nurses' Station

    Not big on gossip, but it's always nice to know who has a reputation as a pen
  11. Mandated Nurse-Patient Ratios

    If the "Medicaid doesn't pay enough for resident care but we can afford lobbyists " ltc industry can be
  12. Nursing pay..Check this out!

    Very true. Especially in North central
  13. What are Your Goals for 2018??

    Pass nclex- on. Move to a bigger
  14. For all new LPNs

    I'm getting ready to start my first nursing job. It's in a ltc facility. How can I make be the best possible
  15. Staff Nurses Who Refuse To Precept Or Teach?

    Is it wrong to pray that whoever gets stuck with me when I start my first new grad job in a couple of weeks likes having the newbie underfoot? How can I be a good orientee? I want to get off to a good...