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About Nurse_Smith

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  1. Should Personal Internet Use be Banned During Nursing Shifts?

    Yes and No...On our unit use is limited to work related issues/serchs ect...and personal stuff is limited to the computer in the lounge. Also no cell phones/texting in the station, if you have that...
  2. Help name our ROBOT

    Thanks Everyone for your replies. I will submit all of them ( well MOST of them ), sorry C3PO & R2D2 just wont fly. I vote fir R.A.L.P.H. or S.I.D. Keep 'em comming, I'll post the winner in a...
  3. Help name our ROBOT

    Goodmorning all, Lask week out neurology unit had an inservice about using a robot "doc". This robot allows the doctor to "visit" a pt at bedside via a remote wireless connection. Our nurse manager...
  4. "Male Problems" while nursing female

    When I have to preform an EKG on a female( no matter the age/shape/ or attractivness) I prefer to have a famly member or a female staff member present. Also just have th pt. move her breast out of...
  5. santa barbara

    Small World !!! I'm at Cottage right now too ( 4 East neuro unit ), I'v only been here 2 weekss and am liking it just fine. As for appartments I am in Goleta which is a 15 min. commute. Not much...
  6. :yeahthat: :yeahthat: Ran into the same type of instructor durring L & D rotation. She worked FT at the same hospital since the Bronze Age...Well as one of 2 men in the class of 36 we both...
  7. Advice please on Huntington memorial in Pasadena and Los Robles

    You are in luck !!! I recently did 2 13 week assignments at Los Robles on the oncology unit. It is a nice place to work, the staff is helpfull ( except for that one LPN ), there are several points...
  8. Feeling humiliated/Vent.. How would you respond?

    First off it's too bad you hade to do "the run around " to find out about this peg tube suction set -up only to get the surgons line of B.S. I like the above responses about just letting it off at...
  9. Handling stress concerns

    Welcome to the site and to nursing. You will learn to distance yourself from the majority of your pts with time, experience, and confidence in yourself and your skills. In time you will learn to...
  10. I would be a Super Nurse if only I could fit into the
  11. do staffs have a right not to send pt to hospital?

    # 1. Welcome to Allnurses. # 2. The pt does indeed have the right to seek medical attention. Throw this up the chain of command as per your institutions P & P. # 3. Yes some nurses eat thier...
  12. Getting The Run Around With Traveling Company

    This is too late for the OP but for u lurkers out there : ask questions and make sure u understand the answers! when your recruiter ask if u have bls/acls for example , fax them a copy and have...
  13. advice on 3 companies the good/bad....

    way too many questions :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle I've been w/ americaqn traveler for 3 yrs. been well treated and well paid/benies. They just got hit w/ huricaine wilma and didnt miss a beat ! not...
  14. I did phoenix in the summer which was hell, and cottonwood in the spring which was very nice( no shifts were cut). hope u chose
  15. Kaiser questions re: Traveling

    Thank you L & D Amy, I interviewed w/ them yesterday and it went fine, and was offered the position. I did learn that there is a med/math test I will need to take but that wont be a problem. I...