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About faithkae18

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  1. Change in Major what to do!!!!!

    Hello everyone, I am a freshman at Armstrong state in GA. I decided to be a nursing major because i love helping people and working with babies. I love the idea of working 3 days a week and getting paid a good salary. (My dream is to live in Buck he...
  2. "Don't Work" Isn't An Answer

    All of these stories has inspired me. I really want to work my first year of school because my senior year of highschool I worked 30+ hours and had the highest grades I have ever had throughout the entire four years. I feel because I worked it pushed...
  3. newbie and nervous

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. I needed this advice I have a question I have about 5000 a semester in loans and want to know if its best towork while in school for some reason I was signed up for 17 credit which on average most take 15 do you thin...
  4. newbie and nervous

    Hi im a new member to allnurses however I always went to this website to get answers to some questions I may have had at the moment. I wanted to come on here and ask about handling pre req classes. Im literally 3 weeks away from starting college and ...