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About CrabbyPatty

CrabbyPatty has 3 years experience and specializes in ICU.

Trying to juggle it all without dropping a ball

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  1. I'm already an RN. I'm wrapping up my BSN program (last 6 weeks) and want to update my resume so I can start sending it out as soon as possible (I haven't worked in 4 years). Should I only indicate my...
  2. Taking CCRN in 2 weeks- advice PLEASE

    I can't remember off the top of my head how many "recent" hours you need in Critical Care before you can take the exam, but the requirements are posted on the AACN
  3. Feel like part of my identity is gone

    Ok, we had the same thought at the exact same moment. I didn't get to post my reply because I had to let the dog out, but we are on the same
  4. Feel like part of my identity is gone

    My first year as an RN was nightshift in ICU - it messed me up too. Switched to days, but health issues remained. 3 years as an ICU nurse and I've been on disability (I pray it's temporary) for...
  5. I agree, it's imperative to know the patient's exact code status, which MUST be clarified by the MD in the form of a specific, detailed & signed order. Of course, miscommunication can happen...
  6. I've not experienced capitated care yet. I've only been doing this for a little over 3 years now; have seen one or two charity care cases, so I guess that's the same? In those couple of instances,...
  7. When a patient is made DNR, we have an order sheet where the MD specifies whether or not pressors are to be given. We aren't withdrawing care, we're just not going to resuscitate. By "capped care",...
  8. I think I have ADHD but I'm afraid to ask my Dr.

    Things can't get better if you're not properly diagnosed. Why suffer
  9. Resume: Folded or Flat?

    Having been an executive assistant for 20 years before I became I nurse, I can say that I would prefer to receieve a resume that was not folded up, just think it looks better, and if HR is getting a...
  10. you could be right (about the other article he wrote), but the info he compiled on neurotransmitters seems to be correct. I've spent hours reading journals & medical articles that seem to say the...
  11. I have had ADHD for as long as I can remember. For the past 3 years, after becoming a nurse, I have been struggling with: severe sleep issues & exhaustion (no matter how many hours I sleep) newly...
  12. Nurses with ADD/ADHD?

    Did you get an answer to your question? I would think the doctor who prescribed these meds to you could answer this question. My son couldn't go into the Air Force Academy unless he was...
  13. Moving Too Slowly in Emergent Situations

    I recently had one of those situations at work and my 2nd patient kept having psuedo seizures every time things would get really bad with my critical patient!!! When my poor patient was moments away...
  14. Moving Too Slowly in Emergent Situations

    Wow, can I come work with you?????? My ICU experience (almost 3 years now) is just like the
  15. Nurses with ADD/ADHD?

    Feel like I'm going crazy!!! I was diagnosed ADHD in my early 20's, although i had the classic symptoms as a child (I was so impulsive that in 2nd grade I went to the bathroom and my teacher came...