Hi I'm 35 and been a RN for 11 years now. I'm really thinking about starting my own business. But not sure how to go about getting it started. I would like to provide a wellness program for hospital...
I read that... I do know that... My only issue is when you say Having a Degree from Wolford means No degree at all!!! Which is not true... Yes Wolford will have to make great changes to stay...
I don't care where you were in attendance at... Nothing I stated was false. What happens or What May happen in the future has absolutely Nothing to do with my degree or the students who already have...
That is Not true!! Please people do your research before you state False information I am currently enrolled at A DNP program in the state of Mississippi...there are lots of graduates from Woldord who...
Nothing that I have stated is misleading! You make a very bold statement by saying If.... And If you had done your research on Wolford you would have found out that our program was affiliated with an...
My question to you is... Did you attend? Do you know someone that attended? Have you checked the passing boards passing rate of Wolford? Please tell me out of these questions your answer is yes to at...
Sorry... You must did Not read my comment. I as a Wolford student did not share cases... If you were a junior student being paired with a senior student you were not counting that case as one you did....
Our program is accredited by the Council of Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Program.... I've been a CRNA sine 2011... Didn't have any issue taking boards ( that's accepted the...
Hi, I know this post is rather old but I still feel compelled to say something. I am a graduate of Wolford College. I graduated in 2011. Yes we worked our butts off.. Yes we did take call... Yes at...