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All Content by Bevp

  1. Gateway CC LPN Cohort Fall 2016

    Sat. and one additional day during the week, usually 10-12 hrs. Woohoo:smug:
  2. Gateway CC LPN Cohort Fall 2016

    I start Jan 9th (Monday) LPN Fast Track @ Gateway, evening classes & all day clinicals on Sat. It's going to tough, but worth it! Onward & Upward after that RN-BSN
  3. Stop, putting this on me...

    What do you do? Every time a student (K-5, 485 students) has a potty accident or falls in the mud the teachers and the front end staff sends the child to me. I do not have a supply of clean underwear for the children and therefore I feel this is NOT...
  4. Who uses the restroom in your office?

    I'm jealous, I do not have a private bathroom in my office, it's down the hall and around the corner! I'm the only school in my charter that doesn't have a bathroom in the clinic. So to answer your question, everyone uses this bathroom. I've been ask...
  5. Stop, putting this on me...

    This past week was better.. I ask parents to supply their child with clean clothes in the backpack and it actually happened. I requested spare/donated uniforms (received)and I bought several pairs of underwear for both boys & girls, if needed. I...
  6. Stop, putting this on me...

    Ok, I guess I over reacted..but this particular day we had 10+ students with accidents and I felt like they could have at least made 1 call to the parents for clean clothing. I do have that nasty little paragraph in my contract and I do a lot of othe...
  7. SO many kids out sick today

    ~'Tis the season~ yuck
  8. A fungus among us...Ringworm

    We have been busy with an outbreak of Impetigo and Strep Throat (go figure) 4 Strep & 3 Impetigo just in one class... letters went out yesterday, as well.
  9. Super Lice..

    I have two students in the 3rd grade who has had Lice and Nits 9 times since August. I have given suggestions and referrals to the parents. I have also given them CDC paperwork. They continue to come back to school and I continue to send them home fr...
  10. School Nurse "Holiday Wish List"

    *A designated waiting area for students * Another cot w/ divider curtains *Skeleton (full-length) so I could stop talking to myself *Bullentin board 5 x 5 *Smaller desk *Clinic stools (wheels/swivels) *LUNCH BREAKS
  11. Med takers....

    My students drop by at their designated times..yay!
  12. Super Lice..

    No, I can't treat them at school and we do not have a social worker for this situation, unfortunately.
  13. What do you document...

    What do you document, every Band-Aid, headache, stomachache, etc..? I have roughly 20-30 students daily, and I've been documenting every little Boo Boo I bandage I'm just curious. All the minor things are very time consuming. What's in your no...
  14. What do you document...

    I actually have an assistant to enter all the data from vision & hearing test (530+ kids)I did the entering last year and it seemed like I would never finish. I had 5 volunteers to conduct the test for me, too. I planned for this year:-)
  15. New Teachers...

    What would you do? I have a few new teachers this year fresh out of college..both are sending me students all day, seriously. I had 24 students today just from 2 classes, the problems were all the same, "I think I'm going to throw up." No fever, smi...
  16. This just happened!!

    Tell them to try it on the other arm and then they will match.
  17. Roll Call 2016-2017

    I'm in.. Started 8-25:roflmao:
  18. I'm making my supply list today for next year and even though I have a very generous budget I find that the supplies are almost double on a few medical supply websites. Who do you order from and what's your budget?
  19. Well just order $1900 worth of items from School Nurse Supply. My order includes my new "Audiometer" no more borrowing (happy girl). Thanks for everyone's suggestions. Monday morning all little friends will be back:yes:.
  20. Beginning of Year Checklist

    In addition to everything that was posted above: I also prepare a letter to send home with the students introducing myself and advise them to review the health office policy & procedures for themselves and their child. I make up baggies for all c...
  21. Interviewing for elementary, help?

    During my interview I was asked, what would you do questions: what if someone hit their head on the playground what would you do and what order?, heat stroke question, children on medication, 504' knowledge, why do you want to be a school nurse? Yad...
  22. When do you go back?

    I went back July 25. Sounds weird, but I was ready to go back and get in the mode again. I know, I know...Kids come back in 2 weeks:up:I might rethink that statement above in about 3 weeks Have a great year!
  23. School Nurse Salary?

    16-17 school year, received a raise $44k yearly (hourly, punch in/out) our system switched from salary to hourly for all employees, 12 month contract, but of course you don't get paid in the summer (2 mths). AZ and it's a charter school.
  24. EpiPens....who knew?

    I receive 2 free Epi's a year from the manufacturer. Go to the website and register the name of the purchaser and they will send you a coupon card for 2 FREE EPI's. I do it every year for my child and I also have insurance which does not interfere wi...
  25. Who pays?

    Just curious.. Who pays for your continuing education and/or going to seminars/conferences? Does your school pay for advanced degrees, after being employed a certain amount of time? The reason I'm asking is because it's summer and our local colle...