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About JennyAS

JennyAS is a BSN, RN and specializes in ER.

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  1. VENT Why are some ED docs so averse to actually writing orders? I understand it's the ED, and they get spoiled by how much ED nurses are willing to do without a doctor's order (lines, labs, fluids,...
  2. Setting up arterial lines

    There is no hospital policy written to detail the exact step-by-step process they want us to use to prime an arterial line. I just wanted to get a poll as to how nurses around the board tend to prime...
  3. Setting up arterial lines

    I just moved from one level I trauma center to another in a different state. Of course I expected a lot of things to be done differently, but I think my new hospital may be setting up arterial lines...
  4. Toradol IM Injection.

    When we give Toradol IM, we offer a dose of 60 mg/2 mL. I agree that 2mL of fluid is too much to inject into a small muscle mass like the deltoid. I usually only use the deltoid for Tetorifice IM...
  5. Yay, I passed the CEN today! I have about a year of ER experience, and I started out as a new grad. I know they recommend 2 years of experience, but I was eager to have it under my belt. I studied...
  6. Best ER Nurse quotes

    To the loudly snoring ETOHer found in an Auto Repair Shop: "Maybe she needs her air filter changed." To the drug seeker throwing out his best pseudo-seizure: "Sir, that's not a seizure. Stop...
  7. What is your biggest nursing pet peeve?

    Patients and/or family members who are CNAs and think they know more than the nurses and doctors combined. Case in point: Lady, you've received Demerol 50 mg and Dilaudid 2 mg IV for a freaking...
  8. Look LOL, you came in c/o dizziness, sweating, and "pressure in your stomach" that suddenly resolved when EMS arrived at your house. You better believe you're being admitted for a cardiac workup,...
  9. ER vs. Bedside

    I started out in the ED as a new grad 7 months ago, and I absolutely love it. But my 2 cents, on top of what everyone else has already said, is that we have our doctors immediately available 24/7....
  10. Viral meningitis - precautions?

    I actually did share the site with the nurse, but he was uninterested. haha. Gram stain
  11. Viral meningitis - precautions?

    I'm a new nurse, have been working in the ER for 5 months now (and loving it!). Last night I offered to take a pt up to the floor for another nurse. Dx: viral meningitis (strange to already have that...
  12. Immediate Bedding. Thoughts?

    But what happens when you've filled all your rooms with sprained ankles and abdominal pains, and you have a respiratory distress or STEMI come in? Do you leave critical rooms open in case that...
  13. Best place to start out: Level I vs Level III?

    Good point, Crocuta... I've actually done lots of research: I forgot to mention that I shadowed at the Level I for 12 hours, and plan to shadow at the Level III soon. I loved the Level I, especially...
  14. I am about to graduate nursing school in June. I've been offered a job at a level III ED, and I'm #1 on the waiting list at a Level I ED. I had my heart set on the Level I, so I was pretty...
  15. Shands at UF ED??

    I'm about to graduate from UF's Accelerated BSN program, and I want to start working in an ED. Can anyone tell me what it's like to work at the ED at Shands UF? I've heard some bad things... but I'd...