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  1. I just started the Nursing Program here in Phoenix Community College and I'm definitely glad to hear that too. I have been stressing and do far it just seems like a lot of reading
  2. Single mom planning to go to school

    Did anyone here in Arizona attend Phoenix College for their associate's degree in nursing ? I'm trying to hear more about their program, how good or bad is
  3. Nursing Textbooks

    True,(as far as past editions) I have noticed that in past pre requisite classes, thanks. I actually thought of looking at Craigslist today and found a girl that went to same program as I will be...
  4. Nursing Textbooks

    Yeah I thought about that. I have checked a few sites like Amazon, but they don't seem to be the "package" my paper states. I think I'm just going to go for the package at my college which...
  5. Nursing Textbooks

    Hello everyone, I will start the Nursing Program this coming Fall and as of right now I'm looking at purchasing the scrubs necessary along with the textbook pakcage, I need to get a CPR card and visit...
  6. 2015 Wcccd nursing fall program

    I start the Nursing Program in this fall 2015, late August that