
Healthcare risk management and liability


All Content by RiskManager

  1. RiskManager

    Liabilty insurance?

    Your employer should provide liability insurance for the employees, and it does not hurt to ask for the details.
  2. RiskManager

    Liabilty insurance?

    https://allnurses.com/general-nursing-discussion/one-healthcare-risk-999441.html As noted in the above article, I generally recommend it because it is so cheap, but be aware of some significant coverage limitations. People buy it because they think ...
  3. RiskManager

    Safety of nurses

    I see it every day in our facilities and clinics. Is your VA facility too small to have the VA Police? I have some friends who work at the Seattle VA hospital and the VA Police are a very visible presence there. Not too sound too much like a geeze...
  4. RiskManager

    Manager catch phrases

    We can't do it without YOU!
  5. RiskManager

    Malpractice insurance

    https://allnurses.com/general-nursing...sk-999441.html If you decide to get your own policy, the three major writers of nursing malpractice insurance are CNA (sold by NSO), Liberty Mutual (sold by ProLiability), and MedPro (sold by affinity marketing...
  6. RiskManager

    AN.com's Soap Opera, "Generic Hospital"

    Don't worry, Mr. Bear. RiskManager will fix everything.
  7. RiskManager


    Proud member of the ZPac for many years now.
  8. RiskManager

    Medication Error(s) & Termination

    Can you be terminated? Absolutely. Are you likely to be terminated because of this? Probably not. RiskManager would however be paying you and your staff a visit to talk about proper medication administration and how meds should be managed. Were I...
  9. RiskManager

    Who is planning to retire in a few years?

    The Good Lord willing and my 403(b) performing, I am thinking about retiring in five years, when I hit 62 and can start taking Social Security. The difference between the monthly benefit at 62 versus my full retirement age of 67 is only a few hundre...
  10. RiskManager

    As a Nurse can I work for a search and rescue team?

    I used to be on a local search and rescue team, I was a paramedic, and we had several other health professionals on the volunteer team: physicians, nurses, a physical therapist and some others. Probably the single most important and useful medical ...
  11. I am often asked to answer this question: "As a nurse, should I buy my own malpractice insurance?" My short answer is if it makes you sleep better at night, it is worth it, but be aware of some significant coverage limitations that the people who sel...
  12. RiskManager

    Manager catch phrases

    ^^^I was just thinking about putting covers on my TPS reports! And wearing at least 15 pieces of flair.
  13. RiskManager

    Manager catch phrases

    As a risk manager, I have the opportunity to do a lot of apologizing on behalf of the providers, staff and organization. I like to say that years of marriage have made me an expert in apologizing for things that aren't even my fault.
  14. RiskManager

    Manager catch phrases

    I like to say there is no "I" in team, but there are two "I"s in idiot.
  15. RiskManager

    Manager catch phrases

    Thank you for your input. You are a valued member of the team!
  16. RiskManager

    Too Many Nurse Practitioners?

    I cannot point to any studies, since I have not done the research, but my anecdotal experience of working in healthcare for many years, and going all over the country to do risk consulting leads me to think that PAs often tend to gravitate to inpatie...
  17. RiskManager

    Too Many Nurse Practitioners?

    Of note, in the Seattle area, there are many more NPs than there are PAs practicing. I suspect a major reason for that is that the state has one PA program and seven NP programs. The large primary care clinics and integrated health systems in the s...
  18. RiskManager

    Concerned..please help

    It is never too late to file an incident/event report. We really need the reports so we can start and document our investigation appropriately. I would put in there that you were initially unsure if a report should be filed and are now doing so.
  19. RiskManager

    Question about policy/procedure

    Speaking as someone who does risk management for ambulatory care, the trend nowadays is to get away from the classic full crash cart/ACLS protocol in your typical medical clinic. The drugs expire, the training goes stale and the LifePaks are expensi...
  20. So at UCSF and other facilities with this service, is it par for the course that the patient is allowed to use nitrous oxide without any staff in the room or observing the patient? I am guessing that this is Nitronox, at fixed 50/50 nitrous oxide an...
  21. RiskManager

    Will green skin hurt my career?

    If I saw a woman with purple hair and green skin, I would immediately think she played an Orion slave girl in Star Trek, and would ask for her autograph. You could make so much money at the Star Trek conventions. Orion slave girl | Memory Alpha | ...
  22. The interesting thing is that I also do risk management for dentists, where nitrous oxide is ubiquitous. There is not this concern for diversion in dental, at least amongst patients/relatives while receiving treatment. Staff, maybe. I have never h...
  23. I am going to be interested to follow this. The last time I saw this used was on 'Call the Midwife' and I have not seen it used in real life in any of the facilities I have worked in. Only 200 places in the country use it. Interesting. What would...
  24. RiskManager

    Male Patient Modesty Question

    I am glad that the OP did bring it to the attention of the hospital so that action can be taken. As I frequently point out to staff and patients, if I don't know about a problem, I cannot work on fixing it. If someone reports an incident to me anony...
  25. RiskManager

    Nurse sent pics from pts phone to his

    As the risk manager/compliance officer, this gives me the whim-whams. A hospital employee did this on the job to a patient at the facility. I wonder if the patient is going to file a civil suit for privacy breach against the hospital. Patient pict...