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All Content by TachyNurseGuy

  1. Lab coat?

    Any NP students out there that have had to purchase a white lab coat? So far, my clinical instructors have cared less but I'm thinking I still may need one as I have a few more to go. My questions are...which length did you buy, where did you get it ...
  2. Lab coat?

    Thank you! Ill check it out
  3. Passed AGNP AANP - used Barkley's Review

    Awesome! Congrats!!!
  4. New FNP student at Walden University.

    Yes, just finished assessment & start clinicals june 1st. its very overwhelming! I read & study every day without fail & Feel quite behind. So yep.. normal
  5. New FNP student at Walden University.

    Im away from home but if you PM me, ill send you the APA software info i use.. it has worked quite well for me. DQ = discussion question. You post one a week, then respond to two or more students with citations on separate days. Its an effort to cre...
  6. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    I believe I will continue to think your simply another case of a nurse who wishes to close the gate behind him, in order to both protect his self inflated position and attempt to make others feel less worthy. I would question any other motives behind...
  7. New FNP student at Walden University.

    sxyreesa. The start of the program is all nursing theory, writing papers on theory and practice, as well as writing and participating in discussions. Really no way to prepare aside from becoming familiar with word & purchasing a decent apa progra...
  8. Schools push APRN immediately-$$

    I don't advocate going to NP school without RN experience..heck I personally placed myself in a variety of fairly bad, and low paying jobs just to gain a more well rounded background in prep for NP school. If I were king, all NP's would have a minimu...
  9. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    PS: any students who is in NP school should probably submit this conversation as a DQ post and align it with the ANA's position on contributing toward the profession. Focker out! 😊
  10. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    Yes, Im constantly hearing the "walk in our shoes argument", its very helpful to students. Walden requires experience, so no that is not the case with my own school anyhow. I think when I am walking in "your" shoes, I will try and remember not to rep...
  11. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    Yes... its sadly getting hard for me to disagree with the PA thing. Im not a fan, but I can cert see the benefits
  12. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    How do we get NP preceptors if they are unwilling to take us, because they feel students of thier own discipline are poor and the educational system for APNs in also poor? This leaves us with MD's, DO's & PA's or am I missing something?
  13. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    Also, how does the time and sacrifice differ from my work in precepting critical care nurses and ER nurses? Why is it that my MD preceptors do not share this idea that students reflect their own practice?
  14. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    I'm with Walden..I have a 4.0 and start clinicals next month. Does this qualify as another poor program that does not supply preceptors?
  15. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    Actually many brick and mortar schools do not provide clinical preceptors either; although I'm unsure, from what I've heard I believe this is more the norm than not. In my home state (AZ) GCU, U0fP and NAU do not for sure. I spent a LOT of time findi...
  16. Another "Find Your Own Preceptor" Thread

    Just playing devils advocate hear... but poor NP students, will still most likely end up being board certified NPs, whether we all like it or not. So wouldn't it be better to try and ensure peers are better quality by helping them learn? Yes, findin...
  17. Is this appropriate behaviour when placing a condom catheter?

    I think it depends on what type of insurance the patient has.... 😁... just saying
  18. FNP School and working?

    I start clinicals June 1st and I worked until about 40 days ago..or so. Patho & Advanced Pharm at the same time did it for me. I found that I either had time to do the coursework or actually learn...so I did the coursework, and aced the courses b...
  19. Is this abuse?

    As a student I would do as others advised and talk to your instructor... thats very sad & Im very sorry for the resident and you. Im glad that your concerned about it though. If you were a co-worker, rather than a student then I would report it t...
  20. Seeking job in Phx AZ

    Have you tried county urgent care? Not a floor nursing job but a way into maricopa health if thats your goal. JCL is notoriously hard to get into! Its certainly not just you!
  21. Has Any Body Taken AANP-2014 FNP Boards?s

    congrats!!! you rock!!!!
  22. It can be done! (BSN straight to PMHNP)

    Um... Im not smart enough for this path.... just saying 😁 I was an EMT... I learned from doing stupid stuff. No lives lost.. but truly stupid stuff Went to LPN school; got a ghetto ER gig in a busy fast-track... did more REALLY stupid stuff and le...
  23. New FNP student at Walden University.

    any time! truly 😊
  24. Peadiatric experience and FNP job.

    Im an FNP student; graduate Feb, if all goes well. Ive only done ER & ICU as an RN; EMS as an EMT. Im very grateful for the patho of the ICU experience and the fast & diverse exposure of the ER. I think If you challenge yourself in school &am...
  25. How many jobs/units until you found your "niche"

    Not as experienced as many other posters, but 5 years in ER & 2 in ICU. good things about both; bad things about both. No perfection as of yet... nothing sublime. This is a great poll btw! I think it would be a nice thing for many students to se...