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All Content by JCa1978

  1. Work during LPN classes

    Just wondering am going to start LPN course in the fall and I am planning to work Part time as. CNA, is it hard to work and go to school ? Or is it duable !
  2. Work during LPN classes

    Good Idea did not think abou that..,
  3. Work during LPN classes

    Unfortunately I have to work to pay for school, but am going to try and work only part time I think full time will be too much since I have 2 boys and a husband and 2 dogs í ½í¸
  4. Smart move to go LPN then Bridge over

    am going also for my LPN startingin August and maybe in the future going towards my RN degree, asper LPN being phase out is imposible,i was actually told my one of our instructor that it is been revised to allow LPN to work in the hospitals fiels bec...
  5. Work during LPN classes

    That's the way my course is I have summers and holidays off like public school schedule, what school are you attending ?
  6. can i challeneg LPN Nclex with NUrsing credits in CT

    Thanks I will be starting my LPN classes in a August
  7. hello i just finished my 4th nursing semester but dint make it by 0.89 pt to the last semester, can i challenge the LPN Nclex in the state of CT to become an LPN and branch into the nursing program elsewhere ?
  8. can i challeneg LPN Nclex with NUrsing credits in CT

    thanks i actually called board of nursing here in CT and yes i need to have completed an LPN program to take the Nclex
  9. 2015 Current LPN Pay

    i thought the same thing LOL wow
  10. LPN then Nursing

    i am in the same boat, i actually was in my fourth semester of nursing and fail the last class and now i have to reapply elsewhere and is going to take me a year or so to reapply and get accepted so i decided to do the LPN at Stone academy. i have h...