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All Content by ActNGrowRN

  1. nursing students @ UIC in champaign

    Crazylilkelly ~ Be sure to let me know if you get in or not (when you know that is).
  2. nursing students @ UIC in champaign

    Crazylilkelly ~ I am an alum from the UIC Urbana Regional Program. Every year's admission criteria is slightly different, based on the applications they receive. Some years are more competitive than others. Even if you do not get accepted straight...
  3. The funniest thing happened to me today...:)

    I really enjoy doctors that have a sense of humor. It is nice to hear that your chief head of surgery does not take himself too seriously. :)
  4. Clip-on Stethoscope Lights

    My preceptor has this rather neat clip-on stethoscope light. It clips on around the diaphragm of the stethoscope and you squeeze it to turn it on. It is really convenient when doing assessments and have to check a patient's pupils. Has anyone else...
  5. Orientation Over

    Yesterday was my last day on orientation. It was the best feeling in the world! Well... on second thought... passing the NCLEX felt maybe just a smidge better. I still left the unit with an extra bounce in my step though. :) I had the absolute bes...
  6. Initative vs. Guilt

    Congratulations on starting on the path to the new you! I am curious as to what prompted this life change, but am sure that you will reveal that if and when you want to. I wish you the best in the next 8 months.
  7. Orientation Over

    Thanks for sharing KCFRN. I know what you mean regarding having those high days and low days. My manager finally sat down with me to complete my 90-day evaluation (my orientation was 12 weeks on ICU christvs). I think she summed up what is ahead o...
  8. Breathe sounds and heart sounds

    Can anyone suggest a good website / book with CD / etc. where I can really bulk up on abnormal breathe sounds and heart sounds? Thanks. :)
  9. My first emergency...

    Nice job Adam! I like reading stories with happy endings. :)
  10. i'm new and i need help

    I had a similar experience, but not quite as extreme. I accepted a job and moved to an unfamiliar city in which I did not know one person. I think it depends on the individual person which choice -- staying or going -- is best. The argument for sta...
  11. Shoes???

    I will toss in my two cents... In nursing school I wore New Balance tennis shoes and I thought they did fine. My last clinical rotation was in OR and my preceptor (a nurse of many years) swore on Birkenstock clogs. She was a good teacher, so I valu...
  12. Breathe sounds and heart sounds

    Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I went home to visit my parents, then had back to back 12 hour shifts. But I did want to say thank you for the websites. If anyone else has any suggestions, I still welcome them. I want to continue working ...
  13. Let's introduce ourselves...

    Wow! There are a lot of wonderful stories on this forum. There is such diversity in the departments people are starting on and the life experience they bring to the career. My name is Mark. Nursing is my first job, but my second degree (I also hav...