Breathe sounds and heart sounds


Can anyone suggest a good website / book with CD / etc. where I can really bulk up on abnormal breathe sounds and heart sounds? Thanks. :)

Specializes in Homecare Peds, ICU, Trauma, CVICU.

I think the auscultation assistant is a pretty good one, and its free.

Specializes in PCCN.

heres a site with heart sounds- it helped me when a pt of mine had aortic stenosis- sounds just like it. :cool:

Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I went home to visit my parents, then had back to back 12 hour shifts. But I did want to say thank you for the websites. If anyone else has any suggestions, I still welcome them. I want to continue working on my assessment skills, since it is something I know I am going to use for the rest of my career. :)

Specializes in med-surg,icu,er,ob.
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. I went home to visit my parents, then had back to back 12 hour shifts. But I did want to say thank you for the websites. If anyone else has any suggestions, I still welcome them. I want to continue working on my assessment skills, since it is something I know I am going to use for the rest of my career. :)

Delmar learning has a great cd-rom that covers both heart andlung sounds. It costs about 25 bucks. Go the the nurses book society (I think it is You can order it there. Good luck

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