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All Content by Cakelady1

  1. Any Mormon/LDS nurses here? I need help?

    Mormonism teaches that it is a commandment that you "rest from your labors" and "keep the sabbath day holy." Plenty of Mormon nurses/doctors/firefighters/police officers, etc work on Sunday but they feel guilty. I always did. In short, she will no...
  2. Entry level CNA (first job)

    Report everything to your RN. If a patient's BP looks even slightly off, report. I learned that the hard way.
  3. Any Mormon/LDS nurses here? I need help?

    I am former LDS so I understand where you're coming from. The church teaches that you should be in your Sunday meetings. If you're given a Sunday "calling," that's even harder. People who aren't LDS or haven't been LDS don't understand that the ch...
  4. What's it like to work in a hospital?

    I have been a CNA for about 18 months. I decided to try it first before dedicating time and money to nursing school. I have had two jobs. The first was in a skilled nursing facility. To be completely candid, I hated it. We were constantly short ...
  5. What does CNA do, exactly?

    Um, run? I run/walk a lot. Yesterday my pedometer clocked over 7 miles for a 12 hour shift. Call lights Vitals Catheter care Showers Linen changes Feeding Assisting the nurse Toileting Oral care Incontinence care Chart Feeding I do think it's a good ...
  6. Assisted living CNA BORED

    Down time??? I work in a skilled nursing facility/Rehab and there is NO downtime. My 12 hour shifts are nothing but run, run, run and I rarely get a break.
  7. CNA? Yes or no?

    I am very glad that I became a CNA first. It really opened my eyes to the reality of nursing. In fact, I've decided to go into Radiology instead.
  8. Grades are in! How did you do?

    All A's. I have maintained my GPA of 4.0, so happy. :)
  9. To old for nursing school?

    pffft. I'm 36. Because I'm currently pregnant and still working on pre-reqs, I won't even be starting a program until I'm about 39. And I'm perfectly okay with that. 27 is not too old. If it is, I'm ancient.
  10. current CNA pay 2015

    Colorado. $14/hour and $15/hour shift differential (grave.)
  11. Fertility Nurse?

    Hello, If this is the wrong place to ask, please advise where else I can post this! I didn't see an area for my question and figured this was the closest. I am but a lowly student. After going through infertility for a (collective) 7.5 years, my p...
  12. Clinic Nurse - LPN?

    My desire is to work in a clinic, not a hospital. In particular, a fertility clinic. I just don't know if I need to become an LPN or an RN to work in a fertility clinic - or a doctor's office, in general. Urgent care, doctor's office, LTC, etc wo...
  13. 3rd shift

    35 is still high. I work graves a lot, and I generally have about 12-14 pts.
  14. Relief vs. per diem vs. on call as a CNA

    I'm a PRN (as needed) grave or evening shift CNA. I am required to work only two shifts a month to stay employed, but I wind up working more like two shifts a week. As a student and a mom, it's perfect for me. I'm usually scheduled, filling in fo...
  15. Scrubs for the slim

    Word. And short to the mix (I am short, too), and I look like an unkempt, unprofessional child playing dress up in her mother's clothes.
  16. What will happen if you miss a college class?

    Anthropology? pffft. I'd be more concerned if it was an A&P or Micro lab, but your second day of anthropology? Eh.
  17. Scrubs for the slim

    I am 5'3" and 110 lbs. I have Wonder Wink. Bought them on Amazon. They fit great!
  18. Is an associates degree in nursing a waste of time?

    No. This is the route I'm going, and I'm very pleased with my decision.
  19. Are ER Patients Getting More Ridiculous?

    When I had my daughter, more than one nurse made a comment to either me or my family about the type of patient I was. One, while happily getting something for me, remarked to my husband (when he thanked her for going out of her way to do it) that it ...
  20. What advice would you give your 19 year old self?

    That boy is an idiot and a total waste of your time.
  21. Mormon culture

    I'm LDS. Ask away. How may I help?
  22. I worked full-time while my husband also worked and went to school at nights while he was getting his Master's Degree. We had one child at the time. I was a single, working mom 5 days a week for 3 years. I went through infertility treatments for tw...
  23. You know you're a CNA when...

    My response to this thread is simple: Poop.
  24. STUDY? HOW?!!!

    I do this, too. My fall semester starts in two weeks. I picked up my books yesterday and spent last night pouring over them. Another thing I wanted to mention: Khan Academy. Use it. It's your friend.
  25. How do I quit my CNA job after the first day?

    I found myself in a very similar situation. I was not even officially offered the job at facility #1, I had an interview and one day they called me to tell me that my background check had cleared and when could I start? Luckily, they had only left ...