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All Content by fernsbabe

  1. OHSU BSN 2016 Applicants

    I applied to Monmouth!
  2. OHSU BSN 2016 Applicants

    I think that what they do is invite twice as many people as they select for interviews! If that makes sense, so like for Monmouth they accept 32 people and invite 64 to interviews. So if your invited for an interview your almost in!! Congrats to thos...
  3. OHSU BSN 2016 Applicants

    I know for Monmouth it's 64 people invited to interviews and only 32 selected! í ½í¸¬ Hopefully emails for Monmouth go out soon because I feel like a crazy person constantly refreshing my email!!
  4. OHSU BSN 2016 Applicants

    Anyone heard from Monmouth?????
  5. Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam

    HELP!! I am going to be taking the kaplan nursing entrance exam in spring of 2016. I have already purchased the kaplan study guide, but from the few posts I have read people are saying that it doesn't help for the reading/writing sections; which are ...
  6. Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam

    Thank you so much for your input!!! I take my test March of 2016 and I am so nervous! I just finished my last term of prerequisites and now I am going to focus on studying for this exam. So much depends on this one exam that it is very nerve racking!...
  7. Pre Req Help....

    That is a huge dilemma because both are going to be equally challenging and 9 credit hours combined to take both is a lot. Do you have other prerequisites that aren't as demanding that you could take one term/semester with anatomy and then take anoth...
  8. OHSU, portland Oregon, help on getting in nursing

    It says that the only use prerequisite grades, but when I looked at their app it asks for a list of all the classes you have taken in college and your grade, so its a little confusing and then I couldnt really find rather or not you have to have all ...
  9. I am wanting to apply to OHSU's BSN program but have so many questions that I'm hoping someone can help answer. I want to know if they only look at prerequisite GPA or if your cumulative GPA plays a big role in rather or not you'll get accepted? Also...
  10. Pre Req Help....

    I am having to do the same thing with anatomy and physiology. I took it one semester along with a chemistry class and didnt do so well so now I have to retake it. I say that if you have the time to just take anatomy and physiology by itself than do i...