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About Canadianmummy

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  1. Being a mom?

    Thanks everyone, I know it will be hard but I really want to do this career. I know my daughter will benefit from it in the long run when I can help pay for her college or her wedding some day, I wan...
  2. Being a mom?

    I know it is best in the long run, I'm sure lots of women think about these things before making the decision. I don't take it lightly but I want a better career, one I will enjoy and its going to...
  3. Being a mom?

    I'm probably over thinking this and I haven't even started school yet. I have a 15 month old and I really want to become a nurse. I just wondered, how to make sure I can still have quality time with...
  4. Which one to do? Rpn or RN?

    Thanks, where you offered a job after your placement? After RPN course my school has an addiction and mental health one year, figured it wouldnt hurt to also get that as
  5. Which one to do? Rpn or RN?

    Honestly,my main goal is to work in mental health but as long as I get part time position somewhere, I would be happy lol, my husband thankfully makes enough money and this really is a passion and...
  6. Which one to do? Rpn or RN?

    I'm so confused. I want to be a nurse and I also want to make sure I can get a job. I have a young daughter and the RPN course right now makes more sense as it is two years etc but worried I'm not...
  7. Money

    I want to be a mental health nurse. The best path is for me to become an RN.I am worried already about money, I know it's hard to work during nursing school. I'd have to get OSAP(financial aid)I have...
  8. Tattoos

    I have a tattoo and I'm wondering about this...I don't want to feel ashamed for having it because I love it! I'll just have to work with
  9. Working and nursing school

    Hello, I am glad to have found this sure and I've been researching and reading a lot. I want to be a metal health nurse, I suffered from post Partum depression and spent time in a facility and it was...