Published Mar 11, 2015
9 Posts
I'm so confused. I want to be a nurse and I also want to make sure I can get a job. I have a young daughter and the RPN course right now makes more sense as it is two years etc but worried I'm not gong to get a job.
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
The job market is tough is for nurses in general.Taking either path will not mean the job hunt will be easy.One is not bettee than the other in terms of finding work. Plus who knows what the market will be like aina couple of years. Where I work there are far for RPN jobs.
Honestly,my main goal is to work in mental health but as long as I get part time position somewhere, I would be happy lol, my husband thankfully makes enough money and this really is a passion and most RPN jobs I've seen the pay started at $28 an hour, so that's a lot nicer than the $15 I make now lol I want to help people but gotta hope I'll get some work out of all this schooling!
I did a mental health placement as part of my RPN program and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Most areas in the hospital that I work in have more RPNs than RNs. The only area they don't work in is dialysis and ICU.
Thanks, where you offered a job after your placement? After RPN course my school has an addiction and mental health one year, figured it wouldnt hurt to also get that as well.
I was only part way through my program so I couldn't have taken a job there but I would go back there if I needed a job. I got hired at my final placement a month before graduation and I'be been there 8 years .