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All Content by Amino

  1. Swaddling

    A colleague and I got into an argument after I’ve had to clean up her mess from improper trach care on our patient. Patient is an infant and is a fat fat. I use an arm only swaddle while performing trach care. PT could easily wiggle out if desire...
  2. Swaddling

    Coworker places the child in a jumper to perform very subpar and not quality care for the trach. She then will move them midway through. It’s usually off center and half way out when I come in for work. I attempted to show her my technique as I’ve be...
  3. Swaddling

    Not making fun of. It’s an endearing term both I and the parents call them. Also, who doesn’t love a fat little baby?
  4. I've decided where I am going to go. I am working on the prereqs for WGU now but I need to know EVERYTHING about it from anyone that is in the pre-licensure program or who has finished it. Did you work full time? How hard was it? How do the labs and ...
  5. LVN to RN Bridge Program

    How did all of that work?
  6. LVN to RN Bridge Program

    I received my LVN at Summit career college and was wondering if anyone knows of a bridge program that will accept my credentials so I don't have to start from the beginning.
  7. Western Governors University

    Yes I am. I live in California and they have one here and I know that it is required for the BON to have the actual clinicals done. I just have not found a school that would allow me to do the other courses online. which is what drew me to this schoo...
  8. LVN to RN Bridge Program

    I don't know if you have heard about WGU or not but they take credits from summit, and concorde. It's actually pretty dang cheap too
  9. LVN to RN Bridge Program

    Can you keep me updated if they let you do that? I am going to SBVC right now too!