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  1. I am a current student and have all of my classes for the term open now. I have completed 3 but could have worked on all 4 of them since I started (May 1) all at the same time, and submitted whatever...
  2. Who's working all of the holidays?

    I would definitely say something. This was not an unreasonable request. IMHO, if you just let people take advantage of you once(which I feel they are), they will continue to do so. At my hospital, we...
  3. 3.30 but I don't think that has any bearing on the kind of nurse I
  4. We get paid twelve hours for both. They figure since it's the same staff working both of those weekends, it just works out. It so happens those days have not fallen on my weekend so it hasn't really...
  5. Should a new grad go straight to the OR??

    I know this really does not answer your specific question, but I started on med/surg because I want to be there. Unfortunately, some of my fellow new grads are making it quite obvious that they have...
  6. Wouldn't you know it? I say how much I love my schedule yesterday and I go to a staff meeting today and am told that my scheduled has been changed. But I can't complain-one week Wed, Thurs, Sat;...
  7. I just wondered how many people work 3 in a row (that kills me!). I work 2 on, one off, two on, one off, two on, six off. I love my schedule.
  8. PRN pay scale the same as staff......

    There are 2 hospitals in the area where I live. One pays the same wage for PRN wages, the other (where I work) pays $28/hr for PRN. I was told the reason my hospital pays a higher wage is because...
  9. Share Your Saying

    You know you are having a bad day when you find a tampon behind your ear and cannot find your
  10. Did You Get A Sign On Bonus?

    I received $2k for 2 years-$1500 hundred with the first paycheck, and $1500 in 6 months (Conveniently two weeks before Christmas). Did I consider not taking the bonus? No way! I was going to work...
  11. Pay & Benes

    My salary is not at all impressive-$17.52/HR with a PATHETIC, LOUSY .50/HR weekend differential-but I cannot complain about my benefits. Dental is $29/mo and almost everything is covered 100%. Also...
  12. question about insulin, heparin injections

    Wow, it never occurred to me that one wouldn't have to have a cosigner. At my hospital we have to have heparin, insulin, and coumadin doublechecked, along with someone varifying any heparin drip or...