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About LifeLearner776

Latest Activity

  1. Finally feeling human again!!

    Congrats & wishing you
  2. Night shifters - ever experience this?

    I hope you succeed in finding a different floor to transfer to for day shift as I'd feel the same way as you regarding the current situation. A friend told me she used to work night shifts and...
  3. I got the Job! (Outpatient Surgery Center)

    Sounds exciting! Best
  4. Not sure what to do. Licensed RN working as tech.

    I'd be looking elsewhere as you have already
  5. 8 or 12hr shifts?

    I prefer the time off that working 12 hr shifts
  6. What are the best shoes for nursing?

    I enjoy my Alegria's - great
  7. 2nd Career in Nursing

    Echoing some of the sentiments by nycNurse2b and 8packmurse, it was challenging to make the transition & the market conditions are currently tougher! When it will change is unknown. I would...
  8. "I am sorry - I refuse to float to Peds!"

    Well said Bortaz!
  9. Will my age keep me from a good nursing career?

    Excellent question. I was in your shoes not too long ago & was surprised at the age discrimination I encountered. I turned one of those around by requesting recommendations on positions I should...
  10. News too good to keep to myself...

  11. Starting Clinical Preceptorship in NICU Sept 3...

  12. scrubs and ironing

    Iron & crease - yes,
  13. Texas Tech RN-BSN

    I forgot to mention that this program attracts me due to only two full time semesters to finish it! Had heard about Tuesday's being chat day. Tks
  14. Texas Tech RN-BSN

    Tk you for your informative response! Based on your experience, would you recommend starting in the Summer or waiting until the Fall
  15. Texas Tech RN-BSN

    Congrats on being in this program! Are you finding it doable while working full time? Is it organized & would you recommend it? How long would you recommend we be settled in our nsg job before...