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About jaslo98

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  1. Just Plain Nasty Mean. What Would You Do?

    Just smile very sweetly at her and say "I love you
  2. Average pay for office nurses ohion?

    Yes, I would say your friend maybe doesn't quite have all the details straight. I worked as an RN in a very busy outpatient surgery center and Dr's office in Columbus Ohio and I also know what pay...
  3. Nursing Stressful......Says Who?

    I agree. Unfortunately this is true for any profession where your main duties consist of providing acts of service to the public. For example, cops, firemen,those in the armed forces, nurses...etc....
  4. :lol2: That is EXTREMELY inconsiderate of you to be SO tall!! I am suprised they didn't fire you
  5. "I don't want to do bed side nursing"...SAY WHAT!

    Having worked in Plastic Surgery, I wanted to comment on this thread. (I am posting under my husbands screen name--we are both nurses) I started out in med surg and when I moved to the city after...
  6. Actually, my roomate worked as a nanny afterwards. Then got married and had kids and stays home with them. I am not criticizing staying home with the kids, because I do that now too, and I love it....
  7. Nope, don't know anyone like that. However, my roomate (I am writing this using my husband's sign in name...we are both RN's) went all the way through Nursing school and never even took the NCLEX!!!!...
  8. Just wanted to share the good news with everyone!! I just got my acceptance letter from Youngstown today!! Thanks everyone for all of your replies!
  9. Thanks for the info, businessman! I will definitly contact vinnysca for more information on their
  10. Has anyone out there applied to St. Elizabeth's Crna program in Youngstown Ohio? I applied to four different schools and was granted an interview to 3 of the 4 and have had the most frustrating time...
  11. ? About Sacral Dimple

    Both of my daughters had the same thing. They were born in different hospitals and had different doctors, and both times the doctors were not at all concerned and the dimples turned out to be...
  12. What Constitutes a Criminal Background??

    I really don't think I would worry about that at all. You'd be surprised at how many nurses who are holding jobs have some little "blip" on their record from the past. I am sure that nurses with...
  13. You definitely need a break. Please get help from someone!! Another nurse, or other healthcare professional. Someone you can talk to about your situation. I will be praying for
  14. So sorry to hear that you have to decided to leave nursing altogether. I understand the horrible feeling you have and am upset that you were treated the way you were. I have definitely made my share...