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All Content by snortypantz

  1. Bad reference from manager?

    Looking for recommendations as to if/how I can go about this... I recently applied in an ER (want to relocate from Seattle to San Diego.. my hometown) and I thought I had a pretty solid resume/ton of experience. I did a telephone interview that I f...
  2. Bad reference from manager?

    Yes, of course. Perhaps the best course of action is to request an annual review from my big manager and try to pinpoint things I can improve upon (we all have them). I've been at my current job almost 2 years and have yet to have a review. I defi...
  3. Bad reference from manager?

    Yes, of course. There could be a million reasons. Just seems strange to get to the reference check and not get the job (haven't ever had that happen before). I just wish I knew what it was so that I can improve myself and my skills.
  4. Don't think my marriage will survive night shift

    Sounds tough. I'm sorry you are going through this. Transitions back to nursing, ESPECIALLY nightshift, are brutal for everyone. My husband isn't in healthcare either and works at home. Obviously it is an adjustment for him, too. He will adjust. ...