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About CanadianNurseAbroad

Originally heralding from the wintery city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, where I completed my BN at the Univeristy of Manitoba, I relocated and have lived and worked in London, England for the past three years, in December I moved up to Edinburgh.

Latest Activity

  1. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    Hey there I have a few ghost stories, some that I have experienced, some I have been told first hand, and others handed down through time. I will start off with my favourite. It is one of the...
  2. Question for Nurses in Scotland...

    Hey there, I too am a Canadian Nurse and I am currently working in Scotland. You will have no problem finding a job here. The same nursing crisis that is gripping Canada is here, tonnes of jobs for...
  3. Royal Naval Reserve

    Hey there Ladies and Gents, Just wondering if anyone out there is in the Royal Naval Reserve. I have been seriously considering joining, but would like to get some idea of what the requirements are....
  4. Needing Edinburgh Nurses Input

    As you can see by my info I have made the move to Edinburgh and am now firmly implanted into Scottish life. Things up here are a tad different, but so far the people are way friendlier and are really...
  5. Registered General Nurse Scotland Pin

    Thanks for that guys! I absolutely love the pin. And you are right there is a nurse's name on the back, would be interesting to know what year the badge is from.
  6. Registered General Nurse Scotland Pin

    Hey there, I recently have come accross a cool pin that looks as though it was issued to Scottish nurses. It is a silver circle with the words "Registered General Nurse Scotland" which encircles a...
  7. Where are you from?

    Howdy everyone I did my Bachelor of Nursing at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg and graduated in 2001. Currently I am going on my third year in London, England, but will be moving up to...
  8. Needing Edinburgh Nurses Input

    Hey thanks for that Bubbles. I will keep those places in mind!
  9. Needing Edinburgh Nurses Input

    Thank you sooooo much for your input Taraprain, Sorry I haven't written any sooner, but I haven't been on the site for a while and I have been having dramas with the whole Scotland thing. It has been...
  10. Needing Edinburgh Nurses Input

    Hey Karen, That would be great! I really appreciate any imput! Pete
  11. Tattoo's on Nurses

    Hey Leoparado, To be honest I didn't even bother. The hospital where I work clings tenaciously to a reputation it built years ago which is now a faded memory. The matron acts as thought we were...
  12. Tattoo's on Nurses

    :angryfire I am a male nurse working in the UK. I have a tat on my arm which is covered by my uniform, and used to wear three 18 gauge stainless steel hoop earings (same as the ones used for body...
  13. Needing Edinburgh Nurses Input

    An excellent plan. Will get on that tomorrow! Thanks again for your help. We may end up working a shift together if you work at the Western! Be sure to introduce yourself to any Canadian Nurses on...
  14. Needing Edinburgh Nurses Input

    Hey thanks for the input Kaylesh, I was kind of hoping to find a studio or one bedroom somewhere walking distance from city center (My walking distance is anything up to 45 mins away) preferably close...
  15. male nursing student uniforms

    At the hospital I work at in London the male nurses wear black dress shoes, black socks, navy trousers, a white tunic top that looks like a cross between a chef's and a barbers. In fact this is what...