
mattsyd BSN


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All Content by mattsyd

  1. Not picking up shifts and feeling guilty

    I also switched to PRN and dropped my hours significantly. I understand feeling guilty, I used to feel really guilty for not picking up as well. It helps me to remember that I have no obligation to work more than my scheduled days, and I don't owe an...
  2. Debating leaving current job

    Thanks for your input! I talked to my hospital about it, and they said I can switch per diem no problem (but not until September). So I unfortunately won’t be taking this job, but the next position I see I’ll be able to just go for it! Thanks again
  3. Debating leaving current job

    Hi all! I’ve been reading all your posts for a long time hoping that I could become a school nurse eventually as well. It’s been my goal since nursing school, but I was unable to find a job in peds for some experience. I’ve worked in a cardiovascular...
  4. Debating leaving current job

    Hi! So I if I break my contract I just won’t get a sign on bonus (15k before taxes). It motivates me to stay but not enough to turn down a better job. It also wouldn’t look good to other hospitals if I wanted to return because I worked for the two ma...
  5. PBSC Spring 2015 Nursing

    No email for the lw full-time program for me yet... Did many students get their emails or just a few? Knowing that others have received theirs but I haven't heard anything is really stressing me out!!