Debating leaving current job

Specialties School


Specializes in ICU, CCU.

Hi all! I’ve been reading all your posts for a long time hoping that I could become a school nurse eventually as well. It’s been my goal since nursing school, but I was unable to find a job in peds for some experience. I’ve worked in a cardiovascular stepdown unit and have been working in a CCU/CVICU for the last year. I have an interview today with a prestigious private school! I wouldn’t be the only nurse there and wouldn’t be thrown in alone to figure it out. I’m beyond excited to even have the opportunity, but I have some concerns.

I have a contract with my current hospital for 1 more year in my unit (it ends late August next year). If possible I would like to stay per diem to keep up my skills, but I’m worried they won’t allow that. I’ve noticed most school nurse openings are over the summer, and obviously the job begins when school starts (August 12th here). My issue is if I wait until my contract is up I’ll have lost out on more opportunities, and will have to wait ANOTHER year until summer break. I’m incredibly unhappy at my job and can’t imagine staying that long.

Another issue is the massive pay cut. Because tuition is free for one child the salary is less than half what I make in a hospital! Is this normal? And is it worth it to take this job if it’s offered to get experience as a school nurse, then maybe switch to a better school later on? My boyfriend is ultimately okay with whatever I choose. We would get by just fine with this pay cut, but it would absolutely be noticeable (for me at least).

I’m getting ahead of myself, but the phone interview went well and they wanted to meet me immediately after the phone call. I just have a good feeling that I may get an offer and wanted to be prepared. Thanks so much in advance for your help!

Specializes in School Nursing, Pediatrics.

So first, what happens if you break your contract? Just thinking of the consequences, if any.

In terms of the pay, it is typically less (no charge pay, no shift differential, no OT), however, if you figure out the actual hours you work and the time off, (at each job) it usually is almost the same. PLUS, no weekends, holidays and you get summer and school vacations off, which is huge if you have kids! Next, do you have a child that could go to the school? (that could be a huge benefit, and count as part of your pay).

Otherwise, I love school nursing, it is great! You will still keep a lot of skills up, (esp. if you have a medical needs program at your school) and need to be good during an emergency. Good luck!

Specializes in ICU, CCU.

Hi! So I if I break my contract I just won’t get a sign on bonus (15k before taxes). It motivates me to stay but not enough to turn down a better job. It also wouldn’t look good to other hospitals if I wanted to return because I worked for the two major companies down here, and already left one for my current job.

I don’t have children but within the next few years plan to have one, so working there would be a major plus when they’re old enough to attend. But would I still even be working there by that time. Thanks for your advice!

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

When does your contract expire? Often times if you go into an interview and explain your situation and that you're under contract but won't be renewing and want to work for them so you'll be available after xx date then they often go for it. Contracts are, after all, a regular part of the educational landscape. Yes, the pay is typically lower than in a hospital. Many of us supplement with part time or summer jobs. And in some districts, it will eventually catch up. It's a personal decision as to whether the pay cut is worth the perks of summers / weekends off and if you live in that area, snow days as well as leaving hospital drame. But be forewarned. Schools are far from drama free zones. We have our own special brand of Bull plop to deal with and if you think that dealing with patient's families is a PITA, wait until you meet your first mama bear. Keep us posted. And if you do end up becoming one of us cool kids, remember that on Wednesdays, we wear pink!

Specializes in ICU, CCU.

Thanks for your input! I talked to my hospital about it, and they said I can switch per diem no problem (but not until September). So I unfortunately won’t be taking this job, but the next position I see I’ll be able to just go for it! Thanks again

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