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All Content by ms.higgins93

  1. West Coast University spring 2019

    Hi, can you tell me the list of the prerequisites that you transfer? Thank you in
  2. Hi everyone, I plan to attend WCU January, 2016 even though I will be taking my Hesi August, 2015. Reason giving I work full time and have an one year old alone with bills. So what I want to do is...
  3. National University Cohort 50

    Hi @SummerTrinity, CNA I was wondering did you take your prerequisites with National. I'm taking mine now with them... your 3.5 Gpa was that B's & A's ? Also how long did you study for the TEAS...
  4. Hello, Great scores did you take your prerequisite with
  5. Hello, Great scores did you take your prerequisite with
  6. National University SD BSN Cohort 45

    Hello, are you in LA maybe we can study together have you took the exam again
  7. National University BSN Cohort 46

    Really I'm super late & feaking out super now because I start my BIO 201 August 30th. I'm a mother and work full time I heard this class is hard. Can you tell me how it was for you..... Can't wait...
  8. National university cohort 47

    Hey lady I lost all my numbers when getting a new phone:sour:. I need to text you regarding
  9. CNA Exam

    Hey lady thank u for sharing your experience with us. You have two more try's and I know you got this and will pass your next time. I'm not sure why I'm so freaked out about the written test. I guess...
  10. CNA Exam

    How did the exam and skills go. I hope all as well I take my exam and skills next month. I was wondering about the written part. What was the main topic like was the questions more on infection...
  11. National University BSN Cohort 46

    JVC83 Tell how was the classes you took with NU the fast pace was it stressful. How many hours did you have to study per week was it hard to get that A? -Cant wait to hear back... In between I wish...
  12. National University- class/program requirements

  13. National University BSN Cohort 46

    yay!!!!! I told you lady
  14. National University BSN Cohort 46

    I can't wait to find out you got it. Don't forget to tell me so I can say I told you so
  15. National University BSN Cohort 46

    90% OMG you are so in there congrats in advance:yes:. What location are you at again I wonder how will the schedule will be once I get in to the program I have to attend the LA campus. I live way in...
  16. National University BSN Cohort 46

    Hey Jvc83, How are you we chat before on another post. How did the Teas go and I got my schedule for my pre- nursing classes. I am excited for you also how did the classes go that you did take at
  17. National University BSN Cohort 46

    @MissNikki240 Do you mine if I ask you some financial questions since you completed all of your prerequisites with NU. I just want to know the cost and, total you got just for your prerequisites and,...
  18. National University SD BSN Cohort 45

    That's good I wish you the
  19. National University SD BSN Cohort 45

    Awesome how do you like the fast pace
  20. National University BSN Cohort 46

    I know it wasn't easy I have a 19 month old and work full time 5 days a week. I am now trying to get my foot in the door working at a hospital as a CNA. I start my CNA class April 5th its a 8 week...
  21. National University BSN Cohort 46

    @MissNikki2410 Thank you for getting back with me. That is so awesome may I ask how was the classes for you. Like the fast pace was that hard for you and, was you working while taking these
  22. National University BSN Cohort 46

    CONGRATS TO EVERYONE:roflmao:. I am so happy for everyone I am a pre nursing student with NU now working on my prerequisites. Did any one complete all there prerequisites with NU???. -Cant wait to...
  23. National University SD BSN Cohort 45

    Hey has school started yet if so how is it going...cant wait to gear
  24. National University SD BSN Cohort 45

    I hope all as
  25. Took the TEAS V

    Congrats @sadieb95 that is a great score. I have a few questions like: 1. How long did you study for the test 2. Which section did you find the hardest 3. Was this your first time 4. Any tips for...