West Coast University January 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone,

I plan to attend WCU January, 2016 even though I will be taking my Hesi August, 2015. Reason giving I work full time and have an one year old alone with bills. So what I want to do is get my household in place alone with my finances first. Do to the fact that this is a accelerated program I know there will be a lot of effort and dedication even with your GE classes and, I do not want to work while in school I plan to get my side business up and really running so I can give this program my all. I am looking for others in the same area as me that will be attending WCU January, 2016 because I would like to set up some type of study group and support system for each other. Also if you are already in the program and have tips for new students please share I take heed and love to learn new things.

-Thank you in advance.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Good luck in this program... hope current student sees this post.

Specializes in ICU.

I don't know too many people paying at least $130k for a degree. You talk about your finances yet are going there? biggest oxymoron of today.

You can bash a school and talk down to potential students for making a choice that is best for them if you want. Your opinions don't matter. So why waste your breath trying to down a school because you chose your route and think everyone ELSE is stupid for taking ANOTHER route. It is NOT decision what school I go to yet you have smart remarks.

Besides. I did not make this thread for people who want to bash schools and potential students. I made it to see who else was applying and any current students to comment on their experience. My thread was created to hear from others who applied and those who are attending not for "HEATHERMAIZEY!;)

Specializes in Family Practice.

Well I am sure this school is great but they should let the students know that if they are going to pursue a MSN or phD through financial aid they will not be eligible because they would have mixed out the amount allowable with a BSN. That is not bashing that is reality.

Thank you for that information sorry that has happen to you or whoever but again. My thread was created to hear from others who applied and those who are attending not for to talking about the next outcoming, bash the school for the price tag we all grown and can see the price tag with our own eyes... or hear what the next went through if it is not positive save it for your notebook!.

Specializes in ICU.
You can bash a school and talk down to potential students for making a choice that is best for them if you want. Your opinions don't matter. So why waste your breath trying to down a school because you chose your route and think everyone ELSE is stupid for taking ANOTHER route. It is NOT decision what school I go to yet you have smart remarks.

Besides. I did not make this thread for people who want to bash schools and potential students. I made it to see who else was applying and any current students to comment on their experience. My thread was created to hear from others who applied and those who are attending not for "HEATHERMAIZEY!;)

First of all, if you wanted to just to people who go to that school, put it in the right forum. You can't post something in a public forum and expect that we will all agree with you. So good luck trying to pay that mortgage payment you will have to start paying on 6 months after you graduate and finding a job with a degree from a for profit school. In my area those resumes are thrown in the shredder according to the HR people at our clinical rotation.

There is an article on here about another one of those schools called Brown Mackie. Pretty much all commercial schools are owned by one guy and he divides them up into different names. They are on the verge of collapse.

Also, I had a friend attend 2 of these schools. The instructors are awful to the students. They make them so incredibly stressed out, that several in a Texas school had to call a suicide hotline.

I was not bashing you the person at all. I do not know you. I do know about for profit schools and I hate them and bash them every chance I get in hopes of changing the person's mind that is going there. Do you think you will realistically be able to pay that loan back and still be able to enjoy life every week? Yes, nurses make decent money but you need to calculate your pay back amout, your current bills, and see if this jog is going to move you forward in life. Isn't that the whole point of having a job? To be able to pay your bill and have a little left over for fun.

But I promise I did not bash you. I have never met you.

First, you are right it is a public site and I cannot control what other post or what they feel. I do not know your area but, in my area WCU is now looked down on and I know many people that have got jobs after attending WCU at the end of the day we all take the same test. The school you choose should not define you as a good or bad nurse if we all pass the same test. Your friends that had awful instructors that is your friends experience and truth be told could be mine too could even be yours I'm pretty sure all instructors at a public schools is not the best.

Second, you say that you're not bashing me but you're bashing my route and my decision that is rude, mean awful etc. Like you said you don't know me so you don't know what financial blessing I can come with you don't know if someone is helping me you don't know anything. All you know is that the program has a high price tag and we both know that. Please do not get me wrong I understand where you're coming from and where going with this. I am grown like you and I have look at this realistically but, again you don't know me from a can of paint and you have no idea how things will be set of for me. So you trying to change my mind is a waste of your time and shows your blind to the fact everyone has their own route.

Lastly, I will calculate my current bills, and see if this jog is going to move me forward in life that is why I stated So what I want to do is get my household in place alone with my finances first” that goes to show I am aware and will make sure this is something I can handle. You on the other hand need to make sure you do what you got to do for you and make it through your program and understand not everyone goes the same route. Please note everyone has their own path and your job is not to changing the person's mind that is going there” as you stated…..

I wish you the best and all success in your program and becoming a new RN!

Specializes in ICU.
First, you are right it is a public site and I cannot control what other post or what they feel. I do not know your area but, in my area WCU is now looked down on and I know many people that have got jobs after attending WCU at the end of the day we all take the same test. The school you choose should not define you as a good or bad nurse if we all pass the same test. Your friends that had awful instructors that is your friends experience and truth be told could be mine too could even be yours I'm pretty sure all instructors at a public schools is not the best.

Second, you say that you're not bashing me but you're bashing my route and my decision that is rude, mean awful etc. Like you said you don't know me so you don't know what financial blessing I can come with you don't know if someone is helping me you don't know anything. All you know is that the program has a high price tag and we both know that. Please do not get me wrong I understand where you're coming from and where going with this. I am grown like you and I have look at this realistically but, again you don't know me from a can of paint and you have no idea how things will be set of for me. So you trying to change my mind is a waste of your time and shows your blind to the fact everyone has their own route.

Lastly, I will calculate my current bills, and see if this jog is going to move me forward in life that is why I stated So what I want to do is get my household in place alone with my finances first” that goes to show I am aware and will make sure this is something I can handle. You on the other hand need to make sure you do what you got to do for you and make it through your program and understand not everyone goes the same route. Please note everyone has their own path and your job is not to changing the person's mind that is going there” as you stated…..

I wish you the best and all success in your program and becoming a new RN!

I agree that everyone has their own path, but $130k for an associate's degree? Mine is costing me around $10k give or take a few hundred dollars. Do you also know the unemployment rate for new grads in CA is around 40%? So what happens if it takes you a while to pass NCLEX and find a job? The loans will be due 6 mos after graduation. I am just honestly trying to help you here.

You should look at your education as an investment. An investment in yourself. And unless you are going to be granted a doctorate in nursing where you will make really good money, you will never get a good return on that investment. Especially if you are around my age. Personally, I could never do it. It would truly make me sick to give that kind of money away.

Do they hire ASNs in your area or is it going to BSN? That's something you need to look at also. I check the job postings in my area once a month so I can stay on top of it. Things can change very quickly in the job market.

I see people coming on here everyday complaining of problems with these for profit commercial schools. I've seen several on WCU in recent weeks. I try to educate people so they don't fall into the same trap. And you are exactly right, I don't know you at all and what your financial status is. I just know that I could never in good conscious give that money away. There are so many better things I could do with $130k. But to each their own. If that is what you feel you must do go for it. I was trying in good faith to educate you on what these schools are about.

$130k is for a BSN.

-I do not know your age and I understand you would not even think of paying this and like I said before I want to do is get my household in place alone with my finances first”.

-In my area they do not hire ASN'S unless you know someone but, more of BSN'S

-Thank you for this helpful information

Hey Ms. Higgins93

Did you end up starting school at WCU in January?

I plan on starting in April. How are things going? Any advice as a student here now?

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