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About cynt77

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  1. Headed to Lackland!!!!

    Hi I hope you dont mind me asking but do you know what types of shifts the med-surg floor
  2. Headed to Lackland!!!!

    Hey I might see you there..I am headed to COT in July (im in Korea right now) and I should be at Lackland in August ..Yeah It was my first choice and I am glad that I got it. I heard it was a lot of...
  3. Take time for yourself!!!! I can't stress it enough even if it is 1 hour a week to go and get a pedicure or take a walk in the park without a nursing something...It will refresh you and you...
  4. This really burns my buns I am sure you have respect for your family and boyfriend but ask yourself who's life is it? If you want to join the military then go for it...the military has been great...
  5. Where were u 9/11/01?

    I was in Saudia Arabia and the time difference I think is 10 hours or something like that. I got up because of all the noise in the common room. My room was right next to the common room and everyone...
  6. Korea

  7. Korea

    I can't remember which site I saw it on. It was either my state bon or the pearson vue I'm sorry I don't
  8. Korea

    Thanks. I have thought about all of that but I just don't want the NCLEX looming over my head for so long. On a better note I went on the pearson vue website and i read that you can turn in your...
  9. Korea

    Well guys and gals, My goals have been put on hold. I am a senior in nursing school and of course I will get to graduate but the Air Force has told me it's my time to go to korea :uhoh21: . My plan...
  10. how's life as Rn in the Military????

    What branch where you
  11. a good reveiw class please help

    Also with the hurst review you can take it more than once! I took it at the end of my junior yr at the school and they come back again my senior yr. And you do keep all the information that comes in...
  12. hospitals in Jackson, Tupelo, and Memphis

    Hey Bleppity I was looking at the Tennessee forums for memphis and there was one on there about the morale at Baptist and pretty much what I got from it was to stay clear. Do a search and you will...
  13. I passed!!!!! I loved my study guide.

    Congrats!!! I did the hurst review live the great thing about it is you can take it as many times as you want. I took it my junior yr and I get to take it again this yr before I
  14. Memphis VA center

    Thanks!! If I worked there I plan on living in southaven and commute to memphis since they aren't that
  15. RN to BSN at USM Coast

    No Problemo ask away! Sorry but I don't know what the cut-off was. But at one point in time they were searching for applicants right after Katrina. I guess a lot of people thought the school was...