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All Content by momofm1998

  1. Way too many NP programs and grads!

    It seems every school in the USA has opened a NP program. Online, part online, 18 mos, 2 years, bridge type, transition, Carribean and on and on. To them it is good business and thats the bottom line. Quanity not quality seems to be their goal. Jus...
  2. No jobs for NPs in Nashville tn??

    Just wondering if any NP's here in Nashville area are experiencing difficulty getting a job. I was told after I moved here that this area is totally saturated with NP's and RN's. note I said AFTER I had moved here.. need a job to get pre approved fo...
  3. No jobs for NPs in Nashville tn??

    I have been pounding the pavement and knocking on doors and nothing..I actually began my FNP practice in the wonderful state of Texas and had so many offers of work it was ridiculous. Here, I am told that every citizen of this area could have their o...
  4. New to homecare and I need some help

    This is a spectacular idea!! LOve it!! am I reading correctly that tubing is available in each living area and the client simply hooks on to the area tubing when in that area??
  5. No jobs for NPs in Nashville tn??

    Thank you so much for the encouragement. I did apply to a major insurance company here, United Healthgroup, for a position but was offered an asignment in a county 2 hrs from here. I have a child that needs me closer around so I had to decline regret...
  6. Winter Weather!

    Sweety, stay home!!!! What good will you be to anyone if you are hurt, car messed up, or slide into someone else and hurt them...No one will even remember if you dont show today. I worked in retailhealth and they could care less if you die getting to...
  7. Hormonal treatment for TBI

    Are any of you familiar with a physician in Encino Ca. whose primary practice is anti-aging???? He also tests and treats TBI pts using both bio-identicals and drug therapy including Armour thyroid and growth hormone. Do you know of any clinic in you...
  8. Traumatic Brain injury

    Are any of you familiar with a physician in Encino Ca. whose primary practice is anti-aging???? He also tests and treats TBI pts using both bio-identicals and drug therapy including Armour thyroid and growth hormone. Do you know of any clinic in you...