
nursy1 BSN, RN

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About nursy1

nursy1 has 7 years experience as a BSN, RN.

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  1. It will all be okay & the right job will come along. Right now consider the fact that you are in a better position than someone without employment. I too felt that I was in a position that was...
  2. I too work on a busy med-surg floor and the number of calls sounds about right on a "normal busy" day... Luckily my floor has not started using what we call "BAT Phones" in my facilty, but we will...
  3. Just an update on a very old post... but a very happy update. I think I was definitely way to oversensitive & critical of myself during my orientation/precepting process... I Have now been on my...
  4. I appreciate everyones feedback & it has helped me a lot.. Just wanted to give a quick update... I went back to work after this and did talk quickly with my preceptor & apologized & let...
  5. Wishing you some time to reflect, to summon the inner strength to approach your work in terms of what *you* are contributing each day, instead of focusing on what is *happening to you*. That is...
  6. Thank you for the advice on what to say, I was actually going to post on here and ask for some advice. Obviously saying "im sorry I made you angry" is not what I want to say & not what I really...
  7. I know my post comes across as someone with an attitude, I had an attitude when I wrote it. I was upset & needed to get it off my chest, thought this would be a much better forum than bringing it...
  8. Just so everyone knows, I fully intend on speaking with my preceptor next time we work together & apologizing for making her angry with me.. Not in those words... I need to think carefully how to...
  9. The only thing that I am doing my way is my to do list... It is a version of hers, but I changed it so I have more detail- it goes on top of my brain sheet for each pt (which is her version). I have...
  10. So I am at the point now that I almost wish I never went into nursing. I will start with the fact that I had a fairly successful career in finance... but really disliked what I did. I decided to put...
  11. Nurses have an Attitude Problem

    Right now I am thinking I agree with you... I am actually getting ready to post my own rant... while not every single nurse is like that, there seem to be enough of them, at least from what I have...
  12. What counts as experience?

    Your preceptorship probably won't count as experience for OB, you will probably have to wait until you already build some experience in a hospital and then try to get transferred to get into OB......
  13. Thank you for the feedback and advice. I actually already planned on getting a gift for her, she spent a lot of time working with me and I want to show my appreciation. We don't necessarily have a...
  14. Thank you! Sincerely! I appreciate your comment from the bottom of my heart! I understand now that the term is offensive, but being attacked by some (not all) for using it was kind of shocking to me....
  15. Maybe my terms I used here sounded like shade throwing, I really hope it wasn't received like that, I was trying to express that I see both sides of the situation. I never said she is stressed per...