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All Content by 12gauge

  1. IPN contract sign or not? part 2

    Here I am caught up in this IPN web and the more I try to protect my pride and not give in this Nazi Regime the more I get tangled up! I ended up hiring an attorney for this case and she was hoping to get me a lesser sentence from 5 t 2 years since m...
  2. Ipn contract sign or not?

    Hi everyone , I have been dealing with the situation I am in since Jan and after all the research I have done need to make a decision soon, but I need to make a right one so all feedbacks will help, I try to make it as short as possible. I work in a ...
  3. Ipn contract sign or not?

    Thanx everyone, I definitely will hire an attorney, I cant sign a contract when All I am guilty of is working hard! Still the big question is will IPN contact DOH If I dont have a contract with them or they will only contact my job?