Little Panda RN ASN, RN

Assisted Living Nurse Manager

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All Content by Little Panda RN

  1. Little Panda RN

    Clinic nurses: If 1 million people join this group....

    I vote yes!!! I think most clinic nurses post under the Ambulatory specialty section. This is where I have posted in the past as I have worked in the clinical setting for 12 years. It would be nice to have a section titled Clinic Nurse Specialty, be...
  2. Little Panda RN

    Dept. of Human Services nurse ??

    In my state the dept of human services does work with the mentally ill. This type of job would be in the clinical setting, more like case management or working with the physicians who treat this population.
  3. Little Panda RN

    Job finding as a New Grad

    It is difficult to even get a job at Sanford. I have put in at least 15 apps or more with no luck!
  4. Little Panda RN

    New grads, how long would you commute?

    I am a new grad and have just accepted a position 80 miles away. I have put in at least 50 applications or more in town and have not had any luck. This is what pushed me to go out of town. I will be working in a homeless clinic in the mornings and v...
  5. I have an interview with a company 80 miles from where I live. It is a monday thru friday job, no weekends or holidays. I currently work at a basic care facility 32 hours a week just about every holiday and every other weekend. I worked here before I...
  6. Little Panda RN

    How far would you be willing to travel for a job?

    Thanks everyone for your responses. I will be thinking long and hard and weighing the pros and cons before I accept a position this far away. I do not mind driving, I actually enjoy it except when the roads are bad. I am sure a person can get used to...
  7. Little Panda RN

    How far would you be willing to travel for a job?

    Thanks for the response. This is a job that would be mon-fri 8-5. It would be 160 miles round trip, so I would be spending about 3 hours a day on the road. Our winters here can be pretty tough, but the thought of no weekends or holidays is appealing.
  8. Little Panda RN

    How far would you be willing to travel for a job?

    The extra road time is not a problem. It is interstate all the way, 2 lanes each side, so the traffic is not bad as I live more rural. I would like to move closer in time, but that all depends on our house selling, if an when we decide to move.
  9. Little Panda RN

    Some crazy/funny things that patients did.

    Just the other day I had one of my residents say to me "I like you......someone has too"! I laughed so hard that I almost pee'd my pants,lol.
  10. Little Panda RN

    What is the largest number of BP meds have you have ever seen?

    Our facility just had an inservice with a pharmacist and the way he explained all the BP meds that some are on, is that there is a ceiling effect that some meds reach and they will not produce more of an effect than what is already achieved. This is ...
  11. Little Panda RN

    LTC vs. pediatric office job

    In my opinion if you are going on for your RN, you are going to get more experience in LTC that will help you than you will in a doctors office. I am now an RN and most of my experience is in a doctors office as a LPN and I am having a difficult time...
  12. Little Panda RN

    Job offer....advice please!

    Congrats on the new job!!!! You will do great!
  13. Little Panda RN

    To the unemployed new grads... what ARE you doing?

    I graduated in May and am still working in my LPN position at an LPN pay, until I find an RN job. Where I work they do not want to pay RN wages. I have put in so many applications, with no luck. Keeping my fingers crossed that someone will take pity ...
  14. Little Panda RN

    Where can I find Varicella vaccines?

    What about any local clinics? I used to work in a clinic and we always had varicella on hand. Maybe they would let you purchase it from them. It is worth a try!!!
  15. Little Panda RN

    Primary household earner?

    I am the primary money maker in my household. My husband and I each carry our own health insurance, since we have no kids at home that need it and it is cheaper to pay for a single plan. If I was to lose my job, we would not be able to make it financ...
  16. Little Panda RN

    A break from nursing??

    I took a years break when I was an LPN. I went back into retail management and enjoyed it very much until I started missing nursing. I then went back to school and got my RN and have been back in nursing for the last 2 1/2 years. There are times I wi...
  17. Little Panda RN

    IMs and aspirating blood

    Only once in 12 years and it had to happen on a 8 year old getting a flu shot. I felt terrible that I had to give him another shot. He took it well:)
  18. Little Panda RN

    A question about college and RNs who got their GED.

    I recieved my GED way back in 1979 (I am showing my age here:) and I am now a RN. I attended a community college for my AS degree and they did not have a problem with me having a GED and not a HS diploma. I am transferring to a 4 year college for my ...
  19. Little Panda RN

    Relocation guidance/advice

    You can also visit Sperlings best places to live. I am sure you can find all the information you are looking for here Hopes this helps!!
  20. Little Panda RN

    employee loyalty and whistleblowing

    Interesting, please do share results when you are done with this survey.
  21. Little Panda RN

    Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    History: I have recently gone through surgery for this condition and I had never heard of this precancerous condition until now. I am doing some research to find out how well informed others are of this condition. No one that I personally know, has e...
  22. Little Panda RN

    Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    About a year or a little more.
  23. Little Panda RN

    Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    I am looking for anyone and everyone's response to this question, doesn't matter who you are, what you are or what you do for a living. Thank you for responding, it is appreciated!!!!
  24. Little Panda RN

    Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    It was a small spot and it was a bluish gray color. I first thought it was just a normal pigmentation change and decided to just keep an eye on it. When it started fanning out into the tissue, is when I became concerned. You just never know!
  25. Little Panda RN

    Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    Kudos to your WHNP!!! It is amazing how many have never heard of this or have not had patients with this disease. I am sure those who specialize in this area see it quite often compared to those who are in a generalized practice. I have been trying ...