Irene joy

Irene joy

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About Irene joy

I am trying to start a second carreer after staying home with the kids for five years, I have been taking my prerequisites for about a year and hope to take microbiology in the fall. I take night classes so I can only take one at a time. I am conside

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  1. Does AZ always pay lower than states with unions?

    Does anybody have any recommendations for a hospital? I'm currently working in a level two trauma center with about 350 beds. Looking for something at least this size or better. I have mostly medsurg...
  2. Does AZ always pay lower than states with unions?

    Thank you for your response. I am in love with the state of Arizona and would probably take a small pay cut if needed to escape this gray rainy
  3. I hope to be moving to AZ in the next couple years and have noticed that AZ seems to pay at least 10 dollars less an hour than the hospitals in my area, the PNW. I earn about 45.00 /hour for 10 years...
  4. How many of you work at Mayo? Thoughts?

    I'm also looking to relocate there in the next 2 years and Im looking for a great hospital. 9 years of critical care experience with some leadership responsibilities. I'd love any other input from...
  5. God is good i passed

  6. Officially an RN...thank you, everyone!

    Congratulations! You are officially an RN! I want to encourage us all to post our successes:), I think the lurkers(myself included) need to see people posting about passing along with the folks who...
  7. Congratulations!!!! Good
  8. I recently took the ATI predicter test and passes with a 96% chance of passing NCLEX. I got a 76% on the overall test with 170 questions (something like that). I'm just wondereing if that prediction...
  9. I love it too! I'm on a chest pain unit so I get MI r/o, post cardiac cath patients and other telemetry patients. I do lots of blood sugars, vitals, set up ECG's, dinner trays and other details. I'm...
  10. Thanks for your responces! As a student still, I know how broke I am now, and how good it will feel to be able to pay the bills without too much stress! It would be hard to go back to broke again...
  11. Yes, definitely work as a CNA or Tech. My hospital employs nurse techs, nursing students who have passed level two. All techs that I know have gotten the job they wanted before they even
  12. Baylor Shift still around?

    My hospital is discontinuing the Baylor program right now. By June all Baylor nurses will have a different scedule. I guess it cost too much
  13. Should I go to Nursing School or stay at my Job?

    Yes, that's true. It seems like on the medsurg floors there's not a lot of teamwork, but in lets say, the OR or cath lab, they work as a team to finish the case. I think it depends on the
  14. Nurse Externs?

    I'm a nurse tech, I believe the same as nurse exturn. The position in only for nursing students. I'm on a cardiovascular unit that specializes in chest pain rule out, post cardiac cath procedures and...
  15. i failed out of nursing what

    I think that yes, you can perform as a nurse evan without passion as long as you are a kind person, who cares for others and works smart and safe. But, it is very hard to do well in nursing school...