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All Content by bella0716

  1. PHCC/PHSC 2015 hopefuls

    Hi WithValor, I did about the same... so I completely understand.. I am at the West Campus... And I can retake on the 6th of September I believe. Im still trying to study but seriously am not doing well... Do you know if we can start the app process...
  2. PHCC/PHSC 2015 hopefuls

    WithValor, I am in the EXACT same boat... I did awful too! I am currently on West Campus.. how about you? Im trying ti study for this stupid test but I feel like I'm not retaining anything what so over doing by myself. How are you studying? Sorry fo...
  3. PHCC/PHSC 2015 hopefuls

    I am also applying for the January 2015 RN Program! I have yet to take my TEASE, but plan on taking it within the next couple of weeks.. Anyone else freaking out like I am to take it?! I am an awful test taker too.. I have a 3.46 perquisite GPA... no...