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All Content by Graduatenurse14

  1. Graduatenurse14

    Any tips re: unions organizing RNs and MAs in New Mexico?

    A lot of nurses in my hospital keep talking about wanting to join PASNAP PASNAP | Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals It's run by nurses which is hugely important as SEIU Healthcare just doesn't get it and their dues a...
  2. Graduatenurse14

    9-11 - Where were You? What were You Doing?

    I was 31 years old taking a break from teaching and working as a fundraiser. My Northeastern city shut down and everyone sent home. I only got as far as my sister and ex-brother-in-law's house due to lack of public transportation. I honestly don't...
  3. Graduatenurse14

    9-11 - Where were You? What were You Doing?

    WOW!! I can't imagine being in one of those countries! Especially Saudi Arabia where so many of hijackers came from!! Thank your husband for his service from Graduatenurse14!!
  4. Graduatenurse14

    Any tips re: unions organizing RNs and MAs in New Mexico?

    I would not got with SEIU ever!! I am a very reluctant member of SEIU Healthcare and I could list 10 reasons why I would never tell nurses to contact them to represent them. I'll share a few: The organizers don't pay one penny towards their healt...
  5. I work in a hospital and I don't have to tell my charge nurse if I made a med error. I have to call the patient's MD and file an incident report. Now if a Supervisor is working rather than a floor RN who is made to be in charge, that is different. ...
  6. Graduatenurse14

    Critical Thinking

    Thank you carolinapooh and smartnurse1982 for speaking rationally about critical thinking!! I can't take it when nurses talk like it's a superpower that only nurses have.
  7. Graduatenurse14

    Over 30 Years Later, We're Still Talking About Workplace Mistreatment

    Good article Compassionresearcher! Renee Thompson at Nurses Do No Harm - RTConnections - Anti-Bullying is excellent on this topic!! Nursing is a strange field in that bullying is one of the biggest fears a brand new RN or seasoned RN changing jobs ...
  8. Graduatenurse14

    Aqua K pads

    Yes, we use them but not too much. I honestly don't remember the last time I saw one. It's easier to make a heat pack with super hot water, washcloths, two ziplock bags, another plastic bag sealed with silk tape and placed in a pillowcase. They wo...
  9. At my hospital the CNO address nurses at the orientation for new hires with ALL other new hires from the entire hospital all in a big auditorium and that's it. I'm not kidding. I've been there since November 2014 and that's the only time. No email...
  10. Graduatenurse14

    Don't you feel guilty for not working in a hospital?

    When I do leave the bedside I might feel guilty for about 2 seconds then NO WAY!! I've "paid my dues" at an urban level 1 trauma academic hospital that is going to hell in a hand basket! Heck, I was even a nursing assistant!! I'm getting my BSN t...
  11. Graduatenurse14

    Care plan books..yes or no?

    Don't waste your money since you can Google them. They are the ridiculously dumb wastes of time that I can't believe are still done today. The concept isn't bad but the torturous way of having to do them is out-dated. Being able to think through t...
  12. Graduatenurse14

    Need the real truth. Are all EDs like this?

    I'm not an ER nurse but work in a urban Level I Trauma, Academic hospital with a union. I don't think the nurses have ratios in the ER and didn't realize that they could since they can't turn anyone away. How does that work?? I am very curious. ...
  13. Graduatenurse14

    Nurses with eating disorders?

    I dealt with 2 extremely high stress situations where I felt very out of control so I turned to controlling what I could. I dealt with situational bulimia when I was 17 and in high school with the break up with my first-love boyfriend. When we b...
  14. Graduatenurse14

    Has pain scale contributed to opiate problem?

    I think the pain scale is a blessing for those patients who are in legitimate pain, doctors to write clear narcotic orders and for us to administer those narcotics. BUT..... For addicts the current pain scale or any other one that they would come u...
  15. Graduatenurse14

    I'm quitting today! Finally had enough!

    Congrats on NP school acceptance!!! That is your priority now!! Giving one months notice is very gracious of you especially when it's so undeserved by your management! I agree with all of the above comments too!
  16. Graduatenurse14

    I have a kind, generous heart.

    Very cool story!!!
  17. I completely understood her post as she clearly laid out what has occurred. I honestly think that only in Nursing and dealing with a BON would something like this happen. It is ridiculous! I would get another attorney ASAP, one who deals with the ...
  18. Graduatenurse14

    Who needs a bigger pat on the back?

    I taught K-12 then adults for many years before becoming a nurse. That's a tough question to answer! I have classroom teachers and bedside nurses in mind as that's all I've experienced in teaching and nursing and they are very different in many wa...
  19. Graduatenurse14

    Am I wrong from refusing to help a friend?

    This is a very, very common thing that happens with someone who has undiagnosed or untreated ADHD/ADD and they start a new job or at key junctures of school transitions like middle to high school or high school to college or an adult going back to sc...
  20. Graduatenurse14

    Feeling like the dumbest nurse on earth

    I could NEVER, EVER work under those conditions. I am so sorry that you are experiencing this right now. How awful! Your preceptor doesn't sound like she is a nice person (very well may be a great nurse but not a nice person) You need to talk to y...
  21. Graduatenurse14

    Tell me about your union

    I am an RN at an 800+ bed Level 1 Trauma/Teaching Hospital with a union since about 1999. We are affiliated with SEIU Healthcare and I think that they are less than effective at representing nurses. They don't seem to mind that we are over ratio a...
  22. Graduatenurse14

    Are NPs allowed to strike?

    NPs at my hospital are in the Nurses Union so if we strike, they are included.
  23. Graduatenurse14

    Accelerated Masters with no Nursing background

    I work everyday with an 1 NP and 3 PAs who do the exact same job for a very busy specialty service at my 800+ Bed Level 1 Trauma/Urban/Teaching Hospital. Yes, the NP was a bedside nurse for a number of years (I would say 10 at most based on her age ...
  24. Graduatenurse14

    Help me understand an Ampule

    I use an unopened alcohol swab and don't invert- I didn't even know you could so I'm going to try the next time of give Fentanyl.
  25. Graduatenurse14

    Parent Insists Nurse Brings Pt to the BR When SHE Uses It!

    Posey also has a pediatric canopy bed enclosed on 4 sides. I can't add image!