
OnlinePersona LPN

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  1. This weekend was not fun

    This weekend was exceptionally crappy. Its bad enough im just over being in school (8 weeks left till i graduate), but I actually put a voice to my emotions a few days prior... i secretly am not sure...
  2. Why do you visit

    For the most part i get to talk to those that can relate to
  3. Safe Patient-Nurse Ratio

    Yes thats the norm right now. Most days I work with 6 patients per shift with all the issues you state. However i truly love my
  4. Any Success stories of an LVN accomplishing their RN degree

    I graduate in 8 weeks. I will let you know then. Good
  5. Keeping scrubs white - tips?

  6. color of clinical scrubs?

    Oh my god yes. White scrubs + African American does not mix at all. I have to be very careful what I wear underneath cause you can literally see
  7. color of clinical scrubs?

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone else has to wear white scrubs? I get the whole purity, peace symbolization but I find it a bit nerve racking trying to keep this clean in a rotation. I mean come on, we...
  8. Disrespectful ad against nurses on Craigslist

    Maybe I had to be there for when you showed them the ad... maybe you explained it differently. Either way, I don't think its that big of a
  9. Ventilator Questions

    I found nothing rude about what the OP
  10. educational value of care plans

  11. educational value of care plans

    Obviously since I posted the thread about it. Nope not always civil. This is the internet not my workplace or school. I keeps it real. Anymore cute things to say about me? Or can we stay on
  12. Issues with work

    I can't tell you what's good for you or your life. I wouldn't quit. I'm a big fan of teaching people how to treat me. I would do that with the staffing
  13. Accused of sleeping

    Ew. I wouldn't trust laying on those beds. Just
  14. educational value of care plans

    Thanks I'm going to take your word for it. I just wish it was shorter loll. 15 pages of stuff when in actuality its only 3 pages for 3 different nursing
  15. educational value of care plans

    Don't lecture me on life, you don't know me. I have two jobs and I get stellar grades in a fulltime program,