traumaRUs MSN, APRN

Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU

Trauma Columnist

All Content by traumaRUs

  1. traumaRUs

    Hospitals charging nurses $100/month for parking?

    Okay and I whine when I have to pay $0.25 to park. I work in rural areas so there is plenty of parking even if I have to park in the cornfield.
  2. traumaRUs

    Regretting My Decision To Be An NP

    Hey there include ILLINOIS as FPA state too - since 2019
  3. traumaRUs

    Is it still worth it?

    Depends on your state and what you want to do. Does your area have CNS positions? The reason I ask is, is that as a "true" CNS, you don't bill for services and healthcare is a business. In my area, there are no CNS schools now because there are no po...
  4. traumaRUs

    Regretting My Decision To Be An NP

    Oh my goodness - how sad. So very sorry for this horrendous experience. What kind of job do you want?? Or that you think you would be happing doing?
  5. traumaRUs

    New NP Reported As RN From Previous Employer

    Yes, in the end though the suit was settled and then of course, the settlement had to be reported to the BON. I was exceedingly fortunate to retain an excellent lawyer and did not get disciplined. Yes, I still work as APRN
  6. In my area, (central IL), there are no nurses to hire...period. Doesn't matter how much you pay - there are just NO NURSES!
  7. traumaRUs

    Is it still worth it?

    I'm an adult health and peds CNS - if I had to do it again, nope wouldn't do it. I'm in IL where we have full practice authority. I have the same practice act as all APRNs. I see, treat, diagnose and prescribe just as my fellow NPs do. However, I've ...
  8. traumaRUs

    Medical School Faculty Appointment

  9. traumaRUs

    Returning To Work After Long Absence

    Dialysis always needs nurses - units are being closed because of the acute nursing shortage. Good thing - the big two (Davita and Fresenius) both train from the ground up
  10. traumaRUs

    Medical School Faculty Appointment

    Wow - how awesome. What exactly are you teaching med students? Interested
  11. traumaRUs

    Non-direct Patient Care Positions for a MSN graduate

    Clinical education Case Management Public Health Disaster Management Human Services
  12. traumaRUs

    DNP vs MSN

    Got it. I knew I wanted to do clinical stuff only when I did my MSN and post-MSN certs. Besides, I was in my 40's when I went back to school so DNP just really didn't appeal to me. Good luck at Emory
  13. traumaRUs

    New NP Reported As RN From Previous Employer

    I know this is so hard, believe me. I made a prescribing error when I'd been an APRN for 9 months. Took 7 years to settle the lawsuit which resulted in significant patient harm. To this day (almost 16 years later) I still relive the stress of those 7...
  14. traumaRUs

    New NP Reported As RN From Previous Employer

    What does your attorney advise?
  15. traumaRUs

    Nurse Practitioner clinicals/practicum

    I did two post-MSN certificates so did 1250 hours of clinical total. I did a variety of settings so here's what I got out of it: 1. Nursing home round - accompanied the NP to each room for the first few days then I saw a pt and then the NP went ...
  16. traumaRUs

    DNP vs MSN

    Lots of factors to consider: 1. How old you are? 2. Do you ever plan to teach? To gain tenure? 3. What's your ultimate goal? 4. Do you desire a terminal degree? I've been an APRN for 16+ years now. I have an MSN in ma...
  17. traumaRUs

    Nurse supervisor making request in all caps

    I don't think this is worth a fuss IMHO. I'll be honest, if I ask that you send me something and you don't, I might use CAPS. Not a big deal - not the hill you want to die on for sure
  18. traumaRUs

    My living situation while in Nursing school

    We are in our 60's and at various times over the past 20 years we've had a son and his family come and go and we are currently raising a teen grandchild. Nothing wrong with the way you live and I echo the poster who said others are jealous.
  19. traumaRUs

    NaCl 23.4% for hyponatremia?

    Agree very weird. For a dialysis pt why not just adjust the dialysate bath? Also, you need to look at fluid restriction. If I was following this order, I sure as heck would order every 4 hour renal function panels or at the very least every 4 hour Na...
  20. Agree with others. As an adult, you have the choice of who gives you advice - sometimes its better to cut the negative people out of your life.
  21. traumaRUs

    Quitting Before My Four Weeks Notice

    Labelled "not eligible for rehire" might be an OK thing for now but who knows what the future brings? Burning bridges is never a good idea. I wish you the best in your decision
  22. traumaRUs

    Full Practice Authority of Nursing

    Teaching anything is something you have to be passionate about. While colleges demand at least a graduate degree usually, if you don't have a passion to teach, it doesn't matter what degrees you hold. I was in a DNP program but my goal was incr...
  23. traumaRUs

    Middle-Aged Nurse with Dyspraxia in Need of Advice

    Americans with Disabilities and Job Applicants I apologize that I'm not familiar enough with Canada and their employment practices. In the US we have the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Is there something like this in Canada?
  24. traumaRUs

    Struggling no experience NP need guidance

    Solid orientations are necessary for successful student to practice. When I became an APRN in 2006, I had approx 5 months of orientation - it took that long to get credentialed at all the hospitals and dialysis units anyway. It was very clinically fo...
  25. traumaRUs

    Full Practice Authority of Nursing

    Nope, DNP is fluff and PhD is for teaching.