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  1. how do I break into Case Management?

    It took me a while to get into it and I am sure you have more experience than me. Just keep trying, it will happen when you least expect it. Unfortunately, a lot do hire from in-house. But, I think...
  2. Thanks, That was very
  3. I am in the process of trying to do that at this time. I have looked at the requirements of the 2 schools that I would be interested in and they do not mention anything regarding science classes...
  4. One thing that I love about nursing is assessing and identifying problems and finding solutions. I like challenges in that if a patient presents with multiple problems, I enjoy finding the solutions...
  5. I have been a nurse for 7 years (3 years doing med-surg and the last 4 doing case management dealing with basically outpatient care). I am considering CRNA or NP school and thought I would try to get...
  6. Thanks! I am really considering going back to the hospital and get my ICU experience and after a year then think more about what is really right for me. At least at that point, I will have some ICU...
  7. Question for all "Nurse Practitioners"

    Good question. I would love to know
  8. Opinions needed!

    I have nothing against critical care. I just believe that if she is not wanting to jump right into critical care as she had mentioned then I would consider med-surg as a starting and transitioning...
  9. Thanks for the advice too! The only problem about the ICU route is I will probably have to jump ship to do it. THey are not likely to train me to work prn. I figure I could do med-surg prn a few...
  10. Opinions needed!

    I did MS for 3 years and even though I hated it towards the end. I feel it provided the best base to work from. No offense to others, but if you can handle Med-surg then I believe you can handle ICU....
  11. Thanks for the advice. I am in the boat of decisions! My main issue is that I do enjoy case management but always thought that if I did what I loved I would enjoy working. I do enjoy my job to an...
  12. Thanks! I think I am going to go back to the hospital hopefully picking up a few shifts for a few months and get my a feet a little wet before I jump ship. I want to make sure that I am okay with...
  13. TraumaRUs, I have thought about doing other case management but am afraid that it will not be any better because the hours are M-F. I enjoy the CM that I do now because I can work out of my house and...
  14. Nobody, wants to answer this thread that I posted in Career advice section, so I thought I would post it here. Any advice would be appreciated. I have done worker's compensation case management for...
  15. What is wrong with me????

    I can understand what you are going through. I am a nurse and always thought I wanted to be one. I realize that I am not much for bedside nursing. I do case management now, which I do like because I...