Lemon Bars

Lemon Bars

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  1. Urgent care/Primary care travel nurse?

    Thank you, NedRN. This is a very good suggestion as I do see postings for ER travelers all the time, much more so than Urgent Care or Primary Care. I just don't know if I can handle the speed and...
  2. Urgent care/Primary care travel nurse?

    I am interested in travel nursing, but almost all my six years experience is in primary care or urgent care clinics. I am an RN with a bachelors degree in nursing. I strongly dislike working in...
  3. Lack of acute care experience

    Hello, mzilos. I had a similar experience with my first hospital nursing job after graduation. I do think that my trainers during my orientation did a poor job and overall their expectations were...
  4. The avalanche of prior authorizations

    I have been working as an RN in a primary care clinic for nine months, and my experience with prior-authorization requirements is similar. This really highlights the problem with our third party payer...
  5. Does anyone know if there are residential education programs, perhaps in the summertime, where an RN can enroll in a program lasting for multiple weeks and get a great many continuing education...
  6. Rash triage

    At the clinic where I work, we have some seldom used appointment rooms at one end of the building. That is where I take patients like this, and where I do most of my nurse-only visits just to stay out...
  7. Large numbers of prescriptions are being lost!

    Thanks folks. I am trying to document some of it but I'm so busy at work. I can't get any of the other nurses to track it. We are a small rural clinic and there are only two IT guys. Our office...
  8. I'm a recent BSN graduate and I've been a RN at a primary care clinic for five months. We have a disappearing prescription problem and it seems to be getting worse. Through RN protocols, I am allowed...
  9. Rapid response in the clinic

    I asked this same question not long ago. The nurse manager at the clinic explained to me that it was fine for employees to practice good teamwork and to operate informally as a sort of RRT, but that...
  10. Urgent and emergent situations in the clinic

    I've worked at a rural family practice clinic for the last five months. For emergencies, we call 911 and get the patient ready for transport by ground or air ambulance. We have epi, nitro, and a few...
  11. Unfortunately you will only use a small fraction of what you learn in each class, both prerequisites and nursing school classes. Your analogy of throwing mud at a wall and hoping that some will stick...
  12. 2019 Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program

    I have not applied before. The HPSA score for my facility is 16. My annual salary will be greater than my debt. Should I apply or would it be a waste of time? Thanks for any
  13. The staff at our clinic is wasting an incredible amount of time rerouting prescriptions from one pharmacy to another because patients suddenly decide they want to pick up their prescriptions from X...
  14. Stop Calling It Burnout

    This video is exactly right. Through unions, laws, or choice of workplace, we need to encourage a more reasonable working environment that features better staffing, resource/break nurses, more aides,...
  15. Distractions & interruptions: ICU vs. other units?

    Thanks everyone. I have a couple of applications in progress for outpatient clinics. I was trying to get the recommended hospital experience before branching out, but I might have to skip the hospital...