Hello! I just got in for Gateway's traditional program starting Spring '16. I applied on 12/22/14 and was accepted for the Fall '15 program, but I was accepted late (mid-July and class started in 4...
bellabee32 replied to ILNurse728's topic in Geriatric, LTC
My advice is to do the best you can, but if it isn't working, quit. Don't wait to look for another job. Just get out to avoid any serious issues putting your license at risk. Good
Hello! I was wondering if I could get some help. I took math, English, and psychology courses that would cover the pre-reqs at MCC and ASU, BUT, they were taken more than 8 years ago. My advisor...
I'm taking General Biology (BIO 181) this summer starting in about a month then Human Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO 201) and Fundamental Chemistry (CHM 130) this fall. Those are the only...
You should look into getting a tutor on campus. I am not in nursing school (yet), but I attended college already and we had free tutoring. You should definitely sit with your instructor and talk about...