mc3 ASN, RN

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About mc3

mc3 has 12 years experience as a ASN, RN.

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  1. mc3

    Enablement Overload

  2. mc3

    Peanut allergy issue

    Gotta agree with Mr. Nurse x2. We have a peanut free table in our cafeteria also. They get to pick a friend to sit with them - of course that friend does not have PB&J. Nobody to my knowledge...
  3. mc3

    Health office software

    Old Dude - Hurrah, a fellow Skyward user! Do you use the section for Nurse Office Visits, where you put the reason for visit, findings, etc? We don't, and the thought is it's impractical because you...
  4. mc3

    Tuesday's agenda

    Hmm, I think I'd call it atrophied
  5. mc3

    Calling parents

    OK, then, do this. For each child that comes up, use an average of 5 minutes per phone call (look up the number, make the call usually leaving messages, talking to parent when they call back)....
  6. mc3

    Go to the nurse.

  7. mc3

    Overhead in elementary school...

    I had a 4th grade girl come down the other day to tell me she started her "puberty" today. She assured me she had pads and things but just wanted me to know about her "puberty" 😊Was going to...
  8. mc3

    elementary to middle or high school

    One big problem I already see is that MS and HS now just text their parents to come pick them up if sick. There are no HS or MS nurses, this is new for them. There's going to be a big unhappy shock...
  9. mc3

    elementary to middle or high school

    The problem is, I love my
  10. I am being moved in the fall from my beloved elementary school to either middle school or high school. I do have some say which it will be. Which, in your minds, would be a better choice? Pros and...
  11. mc3

    I can't call all parents!!!

    I think of it this way.....If I see 40 kids/today and 30 were minor booboos and I called on each, that would be 30 calls at a minimum. 30 calls x 3 minutes/call = 90 minutes or 1.5 hrs, just making...
  12. mc3

    parents won't pick up sick kid!

  13. mc3

    G-tube question

    yes, that's what I plan to do. Why do that do they child if it isn't needed. She does not have any medical history indicating need for this that I can see. Just
  14. mc3

    ROLL CALL!!! School Nurses 2017/2018

    I'm here! At a new school in a new town and LOVING
  15. mc3

    Best end of year complaint

    My legs are wobbly after jump