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  1. PMHNP prescribing questions

    Are there any pmhnp's that do
  2. PMHNP prescribing questions

    Thanks everyone for your replies..... Another question I have is do pmhnp's round in non psych hospitals? And do any of yall do
  3. So I am just curious if a PMHNP can ever prescribe any non psych medications in certain situations? For example, an elderly patient has a ua done to r/o a uti due to a change in mental status....
  4. I think a lot of people could benefit from reading this..... Functional medicine: The ultimate misnomer in the world of integrative medicine – Science-Based
  5. So my question is how can this "fluff" be changed? Petitions? Emails to program
  6. BSN Student Options?!?!

    Well usually if you are in any type of program where they pay you a monthly stipend to go to school you are non deployable. So programs like ROTC, the IPAP program (physician assistant), etc. I guess...
  7. BSN Student Options?!?!

    Hello, I am currently enlisted in the Army Reserves. I will be taking my core nursing classes for my LPN to BSN program in January. I have 2 years or less left until I am done with my BSN. Once I am...
  8. Georgia Highlands Bridge 2016

    Oh ok cool. Thanks! Looks like I will also apply to Indiana State just in case
  9. Georgia Highlands Bridge 2016

    Really? Another person told me they had only 25 applicants so all 25 got in. But perhaps they meant for a different
  10. Georgia Highlands Bridge 2016

    Does anybody know how many applicants there are for just the bridge? Or the average worksheet score. Mine is very low compared to the regular ASN applicants I have seen on here. However, I know less...
  11. How many apply to the LPN-RN Bridge each
  12. I'm not sure why you think you can't have both FNP and ACNP licenses. To be able to recertify and maintain your license in both it requires 1,000 hours within the last 5 years. That can be done....
  13. NPs working with chiropractors

    Yay for chiropractic pseudoscience! I'll stick with being a
  14. Is this normal for pathophysiology

    Learn it all. You are becoming a Healthcare provider not a cna. I see so many people that post on here wanting an easy
  15. FNP in a psychiatric office?

    Yeah that's what I was confused about. Why do they even have psych residencies that are open for FNP's to apply to. I'd rather just do an additional