Published Aug 30, 2016
82 Posts
Hello, I am currently enlisted in the Army Reserves. I will be taking my core nursing classes for my LPN to BSN program in January. I have 2 years or less left until I am done with my BSN. Once I am done with my BSN I would like to stay in the reserves (branch doesn't matter much...prefer Army)
My question is.... What programs are available (in any branch) that will allow me to remain in the reserves as a student and not get deployed or sent to re-class while I finish? And could also help pay?
Again I would like to stay in the reserves not active once I am done with school.....
carolinapooh, BSN, RN
3,577 Posts
I'm not Army, I'm Air Force - and I can't say I've ever heard of any type of deployment protection. You're a Reservist first as far as they're concerned, and if you have to go, they'll send you. I know the USAF doesn't have anything like that.
I'd talk to whomever is in charge of your Reserve unit.
Well usually if you are in any type of program where they pay you a monthly stipend to go to school you are non deployable. So programs like ROTC, the IPAP program (physician assistant), etc.
I guess my question is are there any programs that pay a monthly school stipend where you can remain in the reserves after and not have to go active....(other than ROTC)?
In those programs you're not active duty or Reserves - you're in student status. You can't be receiving a stipend on the Fed's dime and draw Reserve time. It doesn't work that way.
As I recommended, your best source of information will be your Reserve command. And it actually sounds to me as though you've answered your own question.
jeckrn, BSN, RN
1,868 Posts
Does the reserves still offer STRAP; if they do this might make you unemployable. There is no guarantee that you will be able pick up a commission after you get your BSN at this time. You never know in a few years.
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
STRAP is the only one I can think of that might do it, and I think JeckRN meant to say "undeployable," not "unemployable." The mission for STRAP (i.e., available funding) has been very thin the last few years.
Undeployable is what I meant. Auto correct got me.
Well that definitely changes the context. :)