
Eschell2971 BSN

Med-Surge; Forensic Nurse


All Content by Eschell2971

  1. Cursing in professional settings

    Professional nurses need to think about the words they use when they are operating in a public, professional, setting. Cursing needs to stop! I've been noticing something which I think is not good, to say the least, and in my thinking, does not put n...
  2. Nurses that “only do it for the money”

    Because not everyone sees it on the first 3 days. We're busy making our money. LOL. Thanks
  3. Nurses that “only do it for the money”

    Well, since no nurse I know works for free (except maybe Parish Nurses & even they have trade-offs, perks), of course a nurse should 'do it for the money,' if that's what he/she wants to do. As long as the nurse does his/her job, why is it anyone...
  4. Hello: What is the cancellation/on-call policy at your facility? Last week, my facility instituted a new/updated on-call/cancellation policy. Basically, nurses are no longer cancelled, they are placed on-call, for their whole shift, up to the last tw...
  5. Politics in the Nursing Work Place: When Conflicts Arise

    Hello: Thanks for this article. I am a veteran, black woman, & I voted for President Trump, on purpose. I am a Republican/Conservative, and I love politics. I don't generally discuss politics at work, unless there are very specific conversations...
  6. Hello: I think this question has be answered by individual nurses. Of course, there may be some macro-data and/or indicators, but, happiness may be defined individually for different nurses. Some nurses are happy in the ER; some are happy providing ...
  7. Male Nurse Disgusted by Female Nurses

    Hello: Unfortunately, I agree with this male nurse. As a female RN, I OFTEN discuss female communication tactics & emotionalism with my colleagues. One of the primary reasons for all the arguing, 'taking things personally,' and other infantile be...
  8. ethics

    Did you inform your colleague that she is wrong to do what she's doing? Why are you so focused on getting her 'fired' or 'suspended?' I agree your supervisors should inform her of the policy and that discarding medications at will is not within her s...
  9. Contacted multiple times for same empty shift

    First, all of the above suggestions were great (and funny). I agree with you, in that my time off is my time off. I don't have to answer or return calls because A: this is my phone; B: I am not on duty, with a pager; C: I already told you I was not g...
  10. I hate nursing

    While I appreciate your honesty, what I'm gonna say may sound mean and incompassionate. But, I don't mean to be harsh, but, it's the point that's important. STOP YOUR WHINING and TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN LIFE! There is a time and a place for venting...
  11. Being Pulled into the Office for calling CAT

    I would stop letting it "eat me up." It sounds like you did everything you were supposed to do, followed protocol, and used your nursing judgement. I would make sure you write down everything you have stated here, and go into the meeting confidently,...
  12. Terminated After Two Months!!

    Wow! I'm so saddened, angry, and well, angry, at your experiences. Here's my two-cents and I hope it will offer you some perspective, support and encouragement: First, as important as it is for you to be employed, take this time to process, reflect, ...
  13. I'm So Over Nursing. I would rather work at Costco!!

    In the past month, I've heard more than a few good nurses express what you're expressing in this post. As a nurse, I know that it's easy to get comfortable in one position, one facility, for much of our career. I'm not saying I never have down days o...
  14. What Am I Doing Wrong?

    What you need to do first is process your failure. Next, immediately go to the test review and then make a private appointment with your instructor. What class are you taking right now? I don't have anything to specifically say because I don't know w...
  15. What Am I Doing Wrong?

    First, take a deep breath! What you're describing has been experienced by 99.99% of all nurses who have SUCCESSFULLY graduated nursing school AND passed their NCLEX. There is hope. Here are a few tips, strategies, and constructive feedback I learned...
  16. I want to grow my career - What's the best way to advance?

    I am also thinking about pursuing an MHA. I actually did not know about the combination MHA/MSN for nurses. Also, what is the best way to document and suggest even small projects for your unit? For example, I have some ideas about how to improve proc...
  17. A little frustrated/confused about BSN/ADN

    Stop fretting! Just because someone is more or equally adamant about something does not mean they are right/you're wrong. This is an important life lesson, as well as in this instance. All RNs must take and pass the NCLEX, which licenses you to work...
  18. How Blogging Helped my Nursing Career

    Hi: My question(s) would be how do I get connected/permission from the sites to advertise on my blog? That's where I get stuck!
  19. How Blogging Helped my Nursing Career

    Hi: YES! I am excited to learn more about blogging. I never knew how to get started, but, I have written articles for (I even won one of the writing contests). I'm going to use this article as a 'getting started' directive for myself, b...
  20. I made a medication error - Now what???

    Hello everyone: Thanks for all your feedback. I originally submitted this a few months ago and since I am still getting feedback, I wanted to give some updates. First, I read every comment that has been submitted, and I appreciate all your feedback. ...
  21. Getting Our Egos Out of the Hierarchy!

    This is a very timely, relevant, and succinct article. I wonder, will those who need to read this and reflect upon it, do so (i.e ALL of us in some way, shape or form)? By the way, I agree with you that the sign was all about ego, arrogance, and brag...
  22. Is it me or 'memorex'?

    I've been working here for almost 7 months, trying to stick out my one year for experience and my resume'. However, I am conscientious and aim to do a good job for my patients and company when I'm working. However, the culture & climate here are...
  23. Nursing Diagnosis conflict help!

    What is your nursing diagnosis? Any diagnosis would include PAIN, at least initially; once you have the lab results and the pain has somewhat subsided, the diagnosis may be re-evaluated and include Temperature/Fever, as well. You never stated what ...
  24. How to Find My Passion - Which Specialty is Right for Me?

    Thanks for this reply/post. I would like to see more topics/guidelines in this area, focusing on specialization, passion, certification, etc. There are so many paths for nurses and just as much confusion for many nurses about how to get there!
  25. Being forced to stay at work. (West Virginia)

    This sounds weird. I would get informed by calling your WV Board of Nursing and some other sources. Keep us posted.