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About LPN@05

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  1. News Flash !!!!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!you very lucky you mde it, i did'nt, im a
  2. NCLEX_PN results

    Thanks for the site OCD dave,. just wonder why no results found when i chcked it i guess i did not
  3. NCLEX_PN results

    hi, can anyone tell me the website on Virginia nclex pn results?
  4. Just took my LPN Boards today!!!!

    i took mine this morning and i dont feel like i passed, im very dissapointed, questions kick me off at 85, i just wait my result through the mail dont have plan to
  5. treatment for morning sickness

    hi Is there any treatment for morning sickness?I need your
  6. a question to all virginians

  7. Hi My friend was just devorce a week ago and she' planning to get married next month. Her lawyer said that it's a law in VA to wait a year after devorce to get married again. Any help??? Im confused...
  8. [Thank ya'll for the info, im very much
  9. Hiya all nurses! Is anybody knows about that VA LPN liscense is acceptable to work in North Carolina?
  10. Tips for taking NCLEX-PN

    thanks for the advice
  11. my job interview failed

    Im an LPN fresh grad, and wonder why can't find a job, i had 2 interviews but they don't call me back. Any
  12. Tips for taking NCLEX-PN

    Hello guys,any help or tips about NCLEX? Im schedule to take my test next month. Do you have any